Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

Laffy 6 1/2 weeks old
6 weeks old. Mine are really dark. Not much brown on them, is that typical? And there is a tad bit of white towards the bottom?


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Hi all! Wow these GLW's are beautiful birds!!!! So I'm trying to identify two chicks in my flock and have been directed here :)
I picked up my chicks yesterday from McMurray, I ordered Welsummers, BO's, Speckled Sussex and SLW. I have two oddballs, they aren't Wellies or SS's. Thoughts? I'll get full body pics tomorrow :)
Hey Everyone. So it seems I am the lucky owner of two Gold Laced Wyandotte chicks! At the local feed store, I asked for two each Buff Orps, Easter Eggers, Light Brahmas, and Speckled Sussex. After two weeks, I think I'm confident I got a couple Gold Laced Wyandottes instead of Sussexs. I've done my best to read up on this breed since they're completely new to me. Something I'm having trouble finding is what I should be looking for in terms of cockerel feather pattern colors vs. pullets. In some threads I've seen people say "Feather pattern looks male" but I can't find anyone elaborating on what male vs. female color patterns are. Could someone please educate me?

The two chicks are feathering very differently from one another. The first one's wing feathers took much longer to come in and at 2 weeks has no tail feathers. The second is feathering very well and has a nice little tail already. The first one has me wondering if I have a roo - temperament is very alert, first to run to the front of the cage to investigate, a few chest bumps and wing flaps. Is that normal for this breed, or mostly just for roos? Not sure how dominate Wyandottes tend to be in the pecking order.

Here's a (pretty poor) pic of my little ones! Suspected Wyandottes are in the front middle, and rear most on top the heater. Defintiely not Speckled Sussexs, right??

Thanks for any insight you have as to what I should be looking for in terms of feather color patterns on male vs. female so I can keep a close eye on feather developments in the coming weeks!

My 6 week old golden laced whyandotte, Goldilocks. She is as precious as gold to me. She is the only pullet of my three that I purchased thinking they were all going to be girls.

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