Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

Hey there everybody! I cross posted this to the Breed and Gendet forum, but I just wanted to check in with the real Wyandotte enthusiasts, I've had a few myself but they aren't one of the breeds I've put a lot of focus into. That may change if this bird is what I think it is.

That said, call me crazy but I think I've acquired a Mottled Golden Laced (Tolbunt) Wyandotte.

To start off, yes I know if this is true it would be one in a million. Which is why I'm skeptical about it to start off with. But, logistics of it aside, my instinct is telling me that's what I've got.

My workplace got in 35 Golden Laced Wyandotte chicks shipped in a few days ago. They originated from Belt Hatchery, which as anyone who has ordered from them knows, has a relatively limited selection. I came into work the day after they arrived to find this little oddity among them. She's definitely a Wyandotte - Aside from the white, she's got an obvious Golden Laced pattern, yellow legs, and a beautiful little rose comb. But the white is coming in all over her body and her wing feathers in the distinct pattern of a mottled bird's chick down!

It's incredibly unlikely, but my current thoughts are that somehow, some time, the mottled gene got into this particular line of Wyandottes, and somewhere far down the generations a couple of carriers were bred and out comes this little thing.

Wow. Too new to this breed to comment, so I'm going to just hang back and learn
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Can anyone tell me why my 8 week old golden laced whyandotte chick is losing feathers? It's nothing extreme that you will notice in her body. Is this normal at this age? I don't think there is a nutritional deficiency because i feed her the standard starter/ grower and its constant. Clean water, plenty of space, clean environment. So what gives?
Can anyone tell me why my 8 week old golden laced whyandotte chick is losing feathers? It's nothing extreme that you will notice in her body. Is this normal at this age? I don't think there is a nutritional deficiency because i feed her the standard starter/ grower and its constant. Clean water, plenty of space, clean environment. So what gives?

As a chick grows they go through several molts. You're seeing the baby fluff and feathers molting. Chickens go through what is called a hard or heavy molt at about 18 months old but expect to see 6 to 8 molts prior to their hard molt. It's similar to a dog or cat shedding fur. I feed scrambled eggs at this point to my grow outs, if yours are still kept inside you may want to provide chick grit as well, if feeding more protein.
At 5 weeks old now, I have to ask, is this top photo really a Gold Laced Wyandotte? The other chick in the bottom photo has so much more gold lacing in its feathers, while this top one is turning out to be mostly black with dull white-ish tips on the feathers. Is that normal? I have myself wondering if they're even the same breed. They're so different. They were sold to me as Speckled Sussex so it's really up in the air.

As a chick grows they go through several molts. You're seeing the baby fluff and feathers molting. Chickens go through what is called a hard or heavy molt at about 18 months old but expect to see 6 to 8 molts prior to their hard molt. It's similar to a dog or cat shedding fur. I feed scrambled eggs at this point to my grow outs, if yours are still kept inside you may want to provide chick grit as well, if feeding more protein.
That's a relief, and very informative. As for chick grit I do provide it do to the rare treats I gave them once in a while. As for the eggs I will make a point of giving it to her. I will have to keep her inside two more weeks since her two Brooder mates turned out to be cockerels and I had to give them away. I had to integrate her with my two smaller silver laced Wyandotte's that are now four weeks old. I will not be able to take them outside until they are six weeks, she will be 10 weeks. Thank you so much for the very useful information.
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At 5 weeks old now, I have to ask, is this top photo really a Gold Laced Wyandotte? The other chick in the bottom photo has so much more gold lacing in its feathers, while this top one is turning out to be mostly black with dull white-ish tips on the feathers. Is that normal? I have myself wondering if they're even the same breed. They're so different. They were sold to me as Speckled Sussex so it's really up in the air.
Yes the first is a glw the one with more gold is most likely a roo
Does anyone have a good source for fertile golden laced wyandotte eggs? We're loading up an incubator and he loves the look, and who am I to argue! I seem to be having a harder time sourcing the eggs than the Swedish Flower eggs going in there too!
I have a gorgeous glw rooster and would love more. My hens are production blacks, production reds, buff orpingtons, a solid white, and 2 that are white with traces of brown on chests. Is it possible in my hatches to get a glw that looks like my roo
I have a gorgeous glw rooster and would love more. My hens are production blacks, production reds, buff orpingtons, a solid white, and 2 that are white with traces of brown on chests. Is it possible in my hatches to get a glw that looks like my roo

Breed him to a red sex link hen....I got a hen that looks lke a wyandotee from the two.

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