Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

My chickens are backyard chickens with a large yard to free range in daily. They get locked up at night also. I think it has to do with the lack of natural light as the reason they are not laying yet= at least I hope so. Hopefully, as the days grow longer, the eggs will start coming. I have 6 chickens - a Buff Orpington, a Cinnamon Queen, an EE, a GLW and two bantams: one SLW and one BLR Wyandotte. So far, I get one egg per day if I get any. I average 5 eggs per week. The oldest chicken is the BO, she will be 2 in April and is usually a great layer, but had a long molt this winter. Most of the others are 9 months old. the EE and the Bantam BLR Wyandotte are the babies and are 71/2 months old. Only one laying is probably the SLW bantam- the eggs are small. It is really disappointing, but I am betting it is the light. they get veggies and high protein snacks- mealworms and BOSS daily. I had been feeding them Grower Developer feed, but when I started getting that egg, I switched them to Layer thinking since they were old enough and mature enough, that is what they would need. Now, I am not so sure.
You may want to add a supplemental light bulb inside the coop, also, if you want eggs then you will want to stay on the layer feed. Starter grower feed is for chicks and contains more protein for the growing birds, at 18 weeks you will want to wean them onto layer feed which has more calcium. Calcium is what you'll need to help with egg shell hardness and egg production.
My daughter's friend joined 4-H and wanted to show chickens. She chose golden laced Wyandottes as her breed of choice. I raise Welsummer and Rocks. She has no set up or place for chickens, so we agreed to let her raise her chick here with us. Her dad brought home 4 chicks, under the agreement that she would choose her favorite pullet, and the breeder would take the others back. They are 8 days old now. From the beginning, one chick stands out, with much more wing development. The others have short stubby wings. I wanted to ask you Wyandotte people if wing development is an accurate indicator in this breed. From what I've noticed, the bunch is quite rowdy and bossy to my other chicks. I would like to get hers chosen, and the other 3 sent back home. Thank you for advice!
My daughter's friend joined 4-H and wanted to show chickens. She chose golden laced Wyandottes as her breed of choice. I raise Welsummer and Rocks. She has no set up or place for chickens, so we agreed to let her raise her chick here with us. Her dad brought home 4 chicks, under the agreement that she would choose her favorite pullet, and the breeder would take the others back. They are 8 days old now. From the beginning, one chick stands out, with much more wing development. The others have short stubby wings. I wanted to ask you Wyandotte people if wing development is an accurate indicator in this breed. From what I've noticed, the bunch is quite rowdy and bossy to my other chicks. I would like to get hers chosen, and the other 3 sent back home. Thank you for advice!

I grow out my poultry to at least six months old before I choose which will be honed for showing. I admit I don't show 4H though :) Does the one chick with the early wing feather development have less lacing on it? You may have a cockerel there, they tend to be more assertive.
It seems that the one chick with lots of wing feathering is the calmest of the group. She doesn't much like being held like my other breeds, but she's calm in the brooder compared to the other Wyandottes. As far as 4H showing, it's more the child being judged than the conformation of the bird, although the bird should be clean, healthy, well-kept. For the kids, temperament is really most important so they can handle their birds...

As for her coloring...not much. There is another with quite a lot of gold in face already, but the others are darker...thank you for your reply!

Hi everyone. Haven't been on here for a while. These two are my hatchery girls These pics were taken when the girls were 3 months old.
They are hatchery stock ordered from My Pet Chicken but actually came from Meyer Hatchery in Ohio. These two were the only live
arrivals. They rest froze to death. (full story on the My Pet Chicken thread). I will post updated pics when the weather clears but I think

for hatchery birds they are pretty and their personalities are hilarious! I am trying again (NOT with MPC) to get more of both but this year
I have went back to Cackle Hatchery. I ordered BA's from them a couple years ago and they did a wonderful job with shipping and the
birds are healthy and beautiful. My shipment from them is scheduled to ship on May 10th. Wish me luck.
Thanks, but no, none for sale at this time. I try to keep only what I can raise easily- of course chicken math is a problem. Am expecting 9 chicks in May. After they have gotten out of the brooder barn, I will be getting rid of some of the other ones. I can't mail them, but contact me privately to discuss pick up if you are in East Texas
My hubby and I have 3, just over 4 week old GLWs purchased straight run. I am finding it very difficult to get a bead on just what they might be.

Frances/Francis (depending on just which gender...)


Matilda (will certainly change depending...)

All three (from top to bottom, Frances, Pilot, Tilda)

All three(Pilot front left, Tilda front right, Frances back left)

Any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you!!

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