Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

My GLW hen is officially 1 year old today! Happy birthday Lacey
My Goldie: She's 14 weeks old. I need her to be a pullet.... but it's not looking good. What do you all think?
At 14 weeks... If she were a boy, there'd be a lot less lacing, more solid reds. She'd also have streamers and she'd be starting at crowing. You've got yourself a girl. She's very nice looking. Breeder or hatchery? If she's hatchery stock, you may be getting eggs soon. If she's breeder, don't be surprised if she's closer to 6 months before you get an egg. Mine went till almost 7 months before I got any eggs. But once they started!
Thanks everyone! I got her from a breeder. So she'll reach egg laying age during the winter.... probably won't see too many from her until spring then? And, I have a beautiful BLRW cockerel as well. He's such a love, I have to keep him! What kind of chicks would I get from them do you think?
Wow, he is pretty!

If your hen is 3.5 months now, you should get eggs by October... Maybe sooner. I am just saying, don't be surprised if you don't get them till then. LOL. I was so freaked out that mine were not laying at first, then It was explained to me, that hatchery birds lay much sooner than quality breeder birds.

I am not sure what you'd gets... Guess you will find out though! LOL.

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