Golden Laced Wyandotte-Updated pics-

I so wanted Golden Lace Wyandottes this year but not to be:(

I am working 2 SLW, 1 barred rock, two blue laced red wyandotte, and a buff brahama that was suppose to be standard. She is either bantem or a run.
Well, one of them has decided that I'm absolutely the bee's knees. He/she/it comes running to me when I pass by and if my hand dangles into the bin while I'm talking to them, it hops up, walks up my arm and tries to nestle into my dang hair! It's VERY forward and it's also the one that I get the rooster vibe from. Do roos tend to get cuddly with their person early on?

I wanted to also show you a few pics.


The one the loves me so much is on the left. The one what likes me a lot but isn't in love with me like the other is on the right. They're exactly the same age but their feather patterns are so different. Does one feather pattern scream rooster over another?

Suspected roo again. Someone asked to see their legs.


#2-- Maybe they're both little boys...

Comb of #2's

Mine, too! If these ARE roos, I do have someone who needs them and I think I'm going to replace them with GLW's, too. I just love them!
Well, my "guess" is that #1 is a roo. It has thicker legs, wadles are forming and the feather pattern makes me think roo. Pullets tend to have the same feathering all around, even on their back feathers. ANd our one roo(that we thought was a girl for 9 months(GLW), was the nicest, cuddliest bird we've had. He loved to sit with you in the sun just for fun
Dont give them away yet. I have 11 wyandottes and they take forever to sex. Be patient. They surprise you as you will be sure they are girls one day and then boys the next. Just wait until they are a few months old. My girls sometimes have some small wattles early (making me think boys), but they never develop the wattles further. This breed is hard to sex young.

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