Golden laced wyandotte???


Mar 22, 2020
These 2 were supposed to belong to my aunt but looks like I'm stuck with 'em. She got them at the same time as I got my ISO browns (bought them out of browns) and so far they been part of my flock since day one. They were listed at tractor supply was bantams (yeah yeah, normal TS). I'm pretty sure they are both golden laced wyandotte. Just asking somebody smarter than I confirm. It is 2 different birds but they could be twins.



Overall it doesn't matter what they are I'm just curious.

Guess these are my 2 oddballs, funny they are prolly 1 and 2 in the pecking order so far. Not really bossy but they are the 2 the others follow. Out of the blue these two will just start to race around the outside edge of the 10x20 run and before you know it looks like a marathon in there chickens just running around a track. One of the 2 gets tired and they both go lay in the dust bath, the others will keep running but one or a few at a time as they notice go join until all are laying down. Off and on been around chickens my whole life and I've never seen a flock do something like it.

Guess these are my 2 oddballs, funny they are prolly 1 and 2 in the pecking order so far. Not really bossy but they are the 2 the others follow. Out of the blue these two will just start to race around the outside edge of the 10x20 run and before you know it looks like a marathon in there chickens just running around a track. One of the 2 gets tired and they both go lay in the dust bath, the others will keep running but one or a few at a time as they notice go join until all are laying down. Off and on been around chickens my whole life and I've never seen a flock do something like it.
My 2 Wyandottes have the funniest personalities of them all. Although 1 may be a cockerel, unfortunately, but I still love him most

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