gonna ground me some kids! WARNING RANT AND PO'D IN GENERAL!!!!!!!!!!!

I absolutely love watching the parents that dont believe in spanking try and control their kids, especially in public places like Walmart!! My kids know better than to throw a tantrom, especially in a store, because if they do, i remind them that the items in the cart are not that important to me and i will leave it in the isle, and they know that they HAVE to get into the car, and they HAVE to go home where strict action takes place. Like what was mentioned before, i didnt die from a butt whoopin, and i used to get my butt whooped for no reason, other than my wicked witch of a step-mother blamed everything on me.

And to make matters worse, i actually do HATE spanking my kids, it DOES hurt me more than them, but i know how kids turn out when they are not kept in check, and i wont have certain people over to my house becuase of their kids.

I wish they had that "cant hit a foster child" rule when i was in one!!!

This could be the reason for your string of unsuccessful hatches you were talking about, it probably wasnt you at all.
AMEN to that. I even work with Child Protection and they are full of beans when it comes to spankings. I was an awful child, and I am so glad my parents spanked it our of me! I love them very much. They always made it clear that they were disciplining in love, not anger, and I do the same with my kids. I do avoid spanking in public because of all the ppl who would call the police, but my kids know that if I say "thats it..." they better stop or they get a spanking at home!
bout a 100 coturnix....... MJ, on a lighter note, I'll have plenty of room in my 'bator
I was talking about army Sergeantthingy.... I don't know her enough to ask for a spanking
sheesh, must think i'm a sicko now huh

I think she's already had that figured out... just saying....

Good to see a sence of humor returning.
the 'bator is gonna go in my bedroom next to my side of the bed.... they don't dare........ but my eggs from Sam aren't in yet, and you leave in the morning for some sun n fun..... waitaminute...... i should start a new rant about this!?!?!!!!!?!?!!!?!?!?!!!!
If that happend in my house they would ALL lose their privileges...every single privilege in my house. They would have no T.V., no radio, no video games, and no community time at all..they would not leave my house. trust me...it wont take long...someone will rat the other out. OR the culprit will confess because the other kids are so mad at them! ANd then when i found out who it was..they would pay me for the eggs. You sound like you have your hands full!
Naw, you're ranting just fine here!

If it makes you feel any better I've spent 4 hours today calling the school district to find out why/what is wrong with my kid's enrollment....

And I work for them.
When I used to get grounded they would take my car and cell phone... it was hell. But I was terrible and would follow them around the house going "what are you doing now?" until they caved... I hope my kids dont take after me cause I am not as nice as my mom and dad were!

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