gonna ground me some kids! WARNING RANT AND PO'D IN GENERAL!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, thats sort of how it worked. I lived with my mom and stepdad, grandpa and grandma were in Mich for 9 months out of the year, and my dad and stepmom lived a couple of blocks away... YIKES!!!!

I never back talked my parents....... they'd knock me off my feet if I did!
*stalks Boyd with a switch*

No goober, I'm here for the birds, and to cheer you up, as this AM kinda sucked for you.

I finally got off hold, they closed for the weekend
The request was made, but not in relation to the counting

I think it's more the fact that Mr Army Sergeant unconsciously responded to the Mom Voice Counting.

wait, who you talkin about?

I go sell some featherfeet to a nice lady from BYC and come back to find this?

You're not a retired Army Seargeant are you???
Okay, but be sure to bring your shovel. The mere sight of The Look while you hold The Shovel will add great weight to The Lecture. Talk about scaring kids straight!

i'll grab the coal shovel AND the edging tool. that'll put the fear of God into anyone.

Yikes. Scarin' me!

Told the kids about all this. They reminded me about our very first batch of eggs, and the time we cracked an egg we didn't think was developing, only to find veins and an itsy bitsy pseudo heart beating. They felt sooooo sad for that egg! We sat and watched the not-quite-heart beat until it stopped. And so they never touched the bator or let the neighbor kid near it. They knew exactly what was going on in those eggs!
I don't blame you a bit for being angry! Kids that old especially should know better than to mess with things!! So sorry this happened, maybe you'll get lucky and it won't have killed them all?

If you need anymore eggs, I have a little over a dozen that I could send out tomorrow for $9 shipped? They are jumbo browns and tuxedos. The tuxedos eggs have hatched out as tibetans
and I thought us guys were the ones who had a dirty mind... like every 34 seconds or something like that?

Hee hee NOPE us girlies have them too! You should have met my dad! What a hoot! I come by it honestly!
OMG that reminds me of my brother, Mom made him go "pick his switch and it better be good or she would go get it" ANyway he brought in this log you could have build a good fire with and my mom lost it laughing, she said "what do you think i am going to do boy kill ya with it!"
wait, who you talkin about?

I go sell some featherfeet to a nice lady from BYC and come back to find this?

You're not a retired Army Seargeant are you???


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