gonna ground me some kids! WARNING RANT AND PO'D IN GENERAL!!!!!!!!!!!

and I thought us guys were the ones who had a dirty mind... like every 34 seconds or something like that?

Hee hee NOPE us girlies have them too! You should have met my dad! What a hoot! I come by it honestly!

Oh geesh
Hee hee NOPE us girlies have them too! You should have met my dad! What a hoot! I come by it honestly!

Oh geesh

You have a house full of teen girls, what do you think they're thinking about, knitting?
yeah yeah i know... I'm practically drowning in the sea of estrogen 5 days a week... theres twice as many of them as there are of us guys... only on the weekends does it sort of balance out.

And as far as what they are thinking?! H#LL NO!!!!! Don't wanna know
trust me, that I do know. And I always make it a point of meeting all their guy friends. I am always cleaning something when they get there... and it's usually something that holds nice bright shiny casings
I agree that corp. pun is the best way but these days you cant do it or DHS will be called. I have 5 boys and they all have felt moms hand on thier butts, BUT not I am remarried and have a step son. He was an only child for 9 yrs and got everything and anything he wanted (and still does). MyDH is so strict with my boys but his son can do anything and nothing is said to him. My boys know there is a difference in the way they are treated. Maybe I should start a new thread. Anyways, Now that he is 16 he comes and goes as he pleases and I have no say. I set rules for my boys and they abide by it, most of the time. The problem is my younger ones try to do what the step son does and they get in trouble.
Sorry, had to rant too
This is a great thread (about Quail)... It gets me thinking of a local HUGE story. I'll check out the chat section and see if anyone is talking about it.

BTW: From a kid that caused (cause sometimes) his loving parents grief, discipline is a great thing. There isn't a month that goes by that I don't hear from our 4 kids that "my teacher says that you can't do that" and I reply, start walking, and live with him/her. This is MY house that YOU get to live in. I want them to feel like it is their house too, but when they just use you from time to time...... it's hard to share. I have to defend my assets!

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