gonna ground me some kids! WARNING RANT AND PO'D IN GENERAL!!!!!!!!!!!

<---Begins wondering how much the sticker people in town would charge for 6 of those stickers. One for each incubator!

I hate that you lost the babies! I have runner ducks hatching right now, and call duck eggs, and muscovy eggs in the incubator and I would definatly go off if anyone messed with them!

I work as a substitute teacher, and you can immediatly tell who's parents are parents and who's parents are their friends. I've never been harsh on any of the kids here, but they know better than to make me mad. If they can get me to the point that they have to go to the office, it is an automatic 3 day in school suspension (much better than sending them home for a vacation now!).

I do second the embarassment. Completely non-physical, and it does work. I recieved two whippings and a few spankings when I was younger (I'm only 24 now), and let me say, I did everything I could to keep from getting them!

The school that I work at has a set of t-shirts with various sayings on them. If the kid comes to school wearing something innappropriate, they get a gigantic shirt (I think they're 3x!) that says "I'm in high school, but I still don't know how to dress myself correctly." They do have a set punishment for offences, but for kids that it doesn't work for, they make custom consequences for them. It wasn't that long ago that we still recieved physical punishment in school. Getting paddled in front of your class is one of the worst punishments that can be given!

When it's time for me to have children, I'm going to go the "old school" route. We will probably be off the grid, so no tv, and limited computer time will be standard. I'm going to try to homeschool, but still get the kids out with other kids their age to teach them how they are to behave around others.

Ok, now I'm rambling.

Emily in NC
Im glad yall liked it....I dont even have a bator yet but ordered a one
I remember getting the ruler on the hand in class by my teacher...and the principle trying to paddle me in is office...i guess i was a brat..
you're not the only one. In woodshop we used to have to make our own paddles
What is it with you and the spankings?

u r so bad

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