Gonna have to cull :( *UPDATE: Amazing recovery *Graphic pics Post #82

I figure im different than most people if the animal CAN be saved whether its in pain or not I will make it as comfortable as possible as appose to culling if it cant and I know its dying then culling ill do I don't see culling if pain it will only be in pain for a few days then start it path to normalcy again its not that way with humans no matter the age ive seen people go through AGONIZING pain the be normal again cuz they have the will to live and in my book as long as the animal doesn't give up neither will I I have a few ive done this with and they are some of the happiest critters I have on my farm this is only my opinion on things I'm not attacking anyone lol just stating how I feel I really do hope she makes it tho I love Australorps as well
Hang in there and hopefully she will too!
Give it a bit they are really good at healing fast.. She might be ok ,,but if you have to do we are all praying for you, and know that she is in a good place..
Wait if you can Taz, if it doesn't seem like it's in great pain. I know pain is hard to judge in animals whose very instinct dictates that it be stoic about pain in the face of potential predators.

The reason I say wait - When Rowdy (Impy, Jr.) was a chick and was paralyzed by an adult hen in the afternoon I called my DH at work and told him I needed him to cull him when he got off work at midnight. By midnight Rowdy was a bit better. Three days of special care and he was ready to go back to the flock.

Now he's out there running around like the rest of the buttheaded Impy offspring. I hope the same is true for your chick (except the butthead part).
We had a bunch of cockerels once and one of them had all the skin pecked from the top of his head and lived with his skull exposed and did just fine until it was time to cull him for food several months later.So there is hope and they are tough little buggers.
Thanks for the replies everyone.
As of now the chick is deeply sleeping (almost in a comatose state). I offered a few more drops of electrolytes but it is still not awake enough to take much. I have everything ready just in case I need to put her down tonight but I am going to just monitor it for now.
I have one that has almost completely healed from a scalping and should be ready for reintroduction in a weeks or so. I thought that one was in bad shape at first but this one is much worse.
The chick woke up!
I lifted it up by the belly while talking to it. It stood up and moved its head around. The eyes are intact but swollen shut. I started singing (probably to keep myself calm) and noticed it was following my voice with its head. I put a lid filled with gatoraid under its beak and found it will drink as long as I keep singing. It seemed to perk up a couple of minutes after drinking. I am still not holding out much hope but I will give it more time. I imaging my older daughter and I will be having some nightmares tonight. I used to work in a trauma center and have treated car crash victims on scene but this may be the most disturbing thing I have had the misfortune of seeing.

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