Gonna have to cull :( *UPDATE: Amazing recovery *Graphic pics Post #82

How is the little guy this morning?
Get well soon wishes coming your chickie's way from Alabama.

It's hard to watch something so helpless in pain. At least with a person you can give them pain meds and explain what's going on.

GC and DH
Sorry I was not able to give an update until now. A radiator hose decided to break on my car today so I had to deal with that.

I have kept the chick wrapped in a towel inside of a small box to limit movement, the box is inside of a laundry basket and the top covered with a blanket. It had been sleeping almost constantly since I brought it in. Waking it up had been difficult. I uncovered the basket this morning expecting to find it had passed, it hadn't. I immediately noticed it was alert although the eyes were still swollen shut. It seemed much more eager to drink (as long as I kept singing
). It would not take any food and fell asleep after a short time.

This afternoon I saw a significant change. The chick had one eye partially open and was trying to stand. Its balance is a bit off but it seems much stronger. It gobbled down a couple of spoonful of powdered chick starter mixed with Gatoraid (to the tune of Happy Birthday
). It peeped a couple of times which it hadn't been doing and even flapped its wings. I wrapped it back up and it went to sleep.

The head wounds still look horrible and I am not getting my hopes up but this chick seems to have some fight left in it. I will continue referring to this bird as "it" until I feel it has a good chance of pulling through. A name at this point would deepen my attachment to it and possibly cloud my judgement when it comes to what is best for the chick. I am pretty sure it is another roo.
mother o' chicks72 :

Oh, i really hope it makes it(and is not a roo)! it seems like a fighter and like it definitely has a chance. I think it's cute that it likes your singing.

Thank you. All of my birds turn out to be roos....someone cursed me.
I am afraid the fact that it likes my singing indicates it has suffered serious brain damage. I remember trying out for chorus in school....the teacher asked if I would be interested in band.
Oh, i really hope it makes it(and is not a roo)! it seems like a fighter and like it definitely has a chance. I think it's cute that it likes your singing.

Thank you. All of my birds turn out to be roos....someone cursed me.
I am afraid the fact that it likes my singing indicates it has suffered serious brain damage. I remember trying out for chorus in school....the teacher asked if I would be interested in band.

oh. i'm sure your singing isn't as bad as mine, i feel that i must be completely tone deaf. anyway, i wish the best for the lil' guy.
I just went to check on the little one and found it has climbed out of its restraints and little box. It is walking (not very steadily) around the laundry basket. Its eye is partially open. I held up the little tupperware lid filled with water and it actually reached its neck out and drank a lot. I thought it was seeing well. I discovered it is not. The chick has just adapted very quickly to not being able to see. I always tap the lid on the bottom of its beak and then sing to start it drinking. It is locating the water by going just below the "tap" and drinks when it hears me sing. I had to put the lid down while I adjusted the towel and started singing to keep the chick calm. I noticed it placed its beak where the lid had been and was drinking air the whole time. I stopped singing and it stopped drinking air. It has not been going by sight at all!

It does seem to detect some movement by sight on one side but I don't think the eye is open enough for real vision. I held a dish of food without making sound and it did nothing. I am disturbed to the point of shaking right now. I have noticed the swelling is going down in the other eye too so I will pray the chick gets full vision back in at least one of them.

I've alway thought australorps were smarter than the other breeds I have. This one just confirmed it for me.

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