Gonna have to cull :( *UPDATE: Amazing recovery *Graphic pics Post #82

Oh my god!
I bow to your great chicken skills!!! so glad that they recovered from those severe injuries.

Those chickens sure are the luckiest!
So glad they made it!

One of my 50% English Orps hooked herself on a nail and tore up her thigh pretty badly. (under her wing) We had to dismantle the roost to get her out. She wouldn't lay down at all and couldn't use the leg. A few days later, she was running around like nothing happened.
Great job!
I, too, had that same thing happen! One of my babies some how got in with the adults and took a bad beating (tore the skin/meat off the back of her head)! She's alive and well and healed up nicely. I didn't know if she'd make it! Glad your chickens are doing so well!
Just found this thread and my son kept looking at me like I was nuts while reading the chicken/cat story.

Glad everything turned out okay... I now know who to go to when I need injury assistance (just getting through one, not nearly that bed)... and not nearly as comical as yours.

Maybe you should be dubbed "The Chicken Healer"
Thanks everyone.

Tonight we had a very close call with both injured birds. They spent the day in their new sectioned off coop which they share with my big boy BO, Archie. He has to be kept away from the other birds until they are bigger because he does not play well with others. He has one side of the large coop with access to the run. The injured chicks are being kept in the other side with no access to the run for now. There is a reeves fence dividing them.

They had been doing very well scratching around in the dirt all day but I noticed the female chick (Gidget) who is a bit of an escape artist getting restless this evening. She was checking every corner trying to find a way out. She found a tiny gap between the top of the coop and the fence. I was looking out the door and saw her fly up, the injured roo followed behind her. She did not make it into Archie's side, the little male did. My daughter and I ran from the back door to the coop (about 1/2 an acre) as fast as we could.

We managed to get between Archie and the male chick before any damage was done. We took him back to his side of the coop. He was terrified! Both chicks were flying at us because they did not want to be on the ground. It was almost dark. I got my mom to come out and patch the gap with chicken wire while my DD and I tried to calm the birds. It was then that I noticed a lot of blood on my arm. Gidget must have gotten her toenail caught on the fence. It broke and was bleeding profusely! It took a while but I managed to pack the nail with flour, the bleeding stopped. My DD got some nasty scratches on her face in the process.

We will be reinspecting the coop in the morning for any more gaps. I am just greatful that I saw the incident and we got there before Archie. Archie would have killed him. It seems like they would be afraid to get near him but it looks like they will be actively trying to get to him. I'm starting to wonder if I have suicidal chicks.

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