Good Boy, Ludwig!


14 Years
Jul 10, 2009
North Carolina Sandhills
My Coop
My Coop
I was down in the coop after dark for the first time in weeks (I've been ill), checking the babies who had just gone into the integration pen, getting a saddle onto my barebacked hen, throwing birds out of nests, etc.

Ludwig, my Black Langshan rooster (EXACTLY 1 year old yesterday), stood up to watch me.


It made me a little nervous because when he stands on the roost his head is well over mine and, as you can see, I was going to have to go past him to get to the broody in the corner box.

So I put my hand on his back and talked to him for a minute then, with my head turned so that if he decided to strike in defense of the hen my eyes would be protected, I reached into the box and extracted the complaining broody.

Ludwig did nothing but watch.

Good Boy!
I like the detail you put in about talking to him with your hand on his back. That was helpful to us newbies (though I may never have a rooster). thank you!

I've done it several times since. Apparently that end is his new favorite roost and that box in the corner is the prospective broodies' favorite box.

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