good layers w/good personality???


I am in the same boat...can't decide what hens to get.
This thread is helpful, however.

1. We will hand raise the chicks
2. Looking to get 10-12 (unless someone says that it's a crazy idea for a beginner)

3. Looking for variety/pretty/friendly with kids
4. Eggs (but we do not need tons)
5. These chickens will be pets.

I want a few bantams from the start, if that is a good idea.

If we want to add more hand-raised chicks later, do you put them in the hen house when they are big enough at night???

Also, would Ameracauna's be good to have included??

Thanks so much!

I'm not sure about anybody else's silkies, but my fluffy queen can do a dozen eggs in less than 2 weeks. She's super sweet and friendly too.

As for Americaunas....They are nice chickens IMO. I have a pair and Girl (that's her name) has a very interesting personality! She doesn't like to be petted, but she will come up and jump right onto your lap and sit on the back of the bench and preen your hair. She's still too young to lay though, so I can't say anything about that.
Also, Penske, if you really don't want a ton of eggs, 12 hens might be a bit much lol. I had 5 laying hens at one time and they layed so many eggs that we had to give them away. I can't imagine how many 12 will produce.
I have 12 hens and 1 roo. My hens haven't started laying yet, but personality wise my 2 Barred Rocks are the sweetest. The 2 Delawares are plucking the tail feathers out of my 4 RIR hens. (I'm ordering HOt PIck, hopefully that will slow them down) The RIRs "talk" a lot. My EE hens are as cute as can be, but not overly affffectionate. SLW are curious but somewhat flighty.
I have barred rocks, RIR, and speckled sussex hens. The barred rocks and speckled sussex and easy to pick up and are very friendly and curious. My RIR are much more flighty and don't seem to enjoy any contact.
My husband has said how about 10 hens, so your point about the quantity of eggs is well-taken. My daughter wants to sell some, too--we already have people lined up for fresh eggs!

I'm now considering: 1 Ameraucanas, 2 Orps, 2 Barred Rocks, 1 white rock ,2 Welsummers, 2 Speckled Sussex

What do you think?? Is it ok to just have a one of one breed?

It's so hard...I still want a Wyandotte and a Buckeye!!!
I have 6 red rocks--they are great layers--5 to 6 in summer, 2 to 6 in winter. they are on the small side, they are efficient eaters, and they have great personalities! Mine get excited when they see me, they coo at me--(I like to think we are talking,) --they let me pet themand pick them up, and they follow me everywhere when i let them out. theylove to forage, and they don't put up with crap from the cats--
deffinate BR... My BR is the sweetest chicken I have. I got her accidently, I wanted a cuckoo marans, but got a BR. she is the sweetest thing!

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