Good Shepard Barred Rock Pullet?


Pallet Queen
8 Years
May 18, 2011
I bought these 2 Barred Rocks at the same time, hoping for 2 roos. They hatched around the first of the year I think. One is OBVIOUSLY a roo. The other is ambiguous ..... much smaller very light. Same feed, no worms, never been outside to catch anything.... so I am leaning toward pullet... but these are a new breed for me so any ideas are welcome.

Now for the suspect

If this is a roo any ideas why he is so small? I looked at the hackles and they seem rounded, but I just don't have anything to compare?
I bought these 2 Barred Rocks at the same time, hoping for 2 roos. They hatched around the first of the year I think. One is OBVIOUSLY a roo. The other is ambiguous ..... much smaller very light. Same feed, no worms, never been outside to catch anything.... so I am leaning toward pullet... but these are a new breed for me so any ideas are welcome.

Now for the suspect

If this is a roo any ideas why he is so small? I looked at the hackles and they seem rounded, but I just don't have anything to compare?
I think you have 2 roos. The suspect's mug shot was taken in inside lighting. That makes it look darker than the first one, but the close barring says male, along with the sickle feathers. ...........stan
I can't tell any difference in the barring....
They looked just alike when I got them
I can't help you there. I have had a couple that did the same thing, just didn't finish. Here is a comparison pic. cockerel and pullet. See the narrower barring on the cockerel? If your's have the same barring width, and look the same color when side by side, their are both the same sex, males. ...stan


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