Good starter breeds?

Depending on where you get them, I always suggest an assortment. It's much more pleasing to the eye to see the variety running around the yard. You can then get the roo in the breed of your favorite.
I started out with 25 birds. 3 CM's , 3BO's , 3 Dels, 3 Dom, 3 blk Aus., 3 SLW's, 3 GLW, and 4 Bantam Rd Friz's. I wouldn't suggest less than 2 of each breed as they like to stick together. Then if there is a breed you don't like you can just trade it out for one you do. All the breeds I suggested are cold hardy and seem to do well in the heat. At least they've been good for me. A little vaseline on the combs and legs will prevent frostbite.

You didn't say where you lived.
Whatever breed you decide to start your flock with get some EE's!!!!

{These are my 2 EE hens}

Marshmallow pictured with her 1st place ribbon and her Grand Champion ribbon and Trophy.

My blue EE hen Blueberry.
We live in Central Iowa, we get the heat and the cold! Depending on how many breeds we decide to go with we will get 2 to 3 of each breed and of course the 2 ducks. Choosing the breeds seems to be the hardest part
I would also consider Brahmas as a great cold weather breed, heavy feathered, rose combed, so no frostbitten comb concerns. They can take the heat and humidity of Ohio summers no problem, several breeders in the deep south. Personallity and temperment second to none, calm and laidback. If you can just get past their looks you got it made.
I have Barred Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, EEers, and Silver Laced Wyandottes, and am a first time chick owner. They are all very sweet and easy to handle so far. They will jump and roost all over me and even ride on my shoulder (especially the Orpingtons and BR's) I have really enjoyed these breeds.
I suggest
2 Buff orpington,
2Naked Neck,
3 Easter Eggers
3 australorps
and a polish rooster.
Personally I think that this will make an interesting flock to sit and watch.
I have no experience with duck, but my friend has runners and blue swedes , and They have a great flock!
Buff orpington
faverolle (don't like to be held but they do like just being with you and being touched) I love their short little legs!
plymouth rock
rhode island red
ameraucanas- they are the only ones of mine that can fly!!
You could always get one of the assortments from a hatchery. If you are in Iowa, then MM might not be very far away and you could call them and see what they have. Be sure to decide whether you want bantams or large fowl or some of both and then decide the breeds. I started with a mix of different breeds and still like the mixes. I do like some breeds better than others for various reasons, but everyone has differing opinions on breeds. If you want really pretty colors, you will definitely want to get some Wyandottes. They have the most beautiful lacing patterns.

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