Good treats for 2 to 4 week old chicks?

I’ve tried hard boiled eggs and an apple slice and mine 6 chicks did not want anything to do with either. I got a chick stick and they love that thing, I will have to try cheese
Oh my gosh mine are about 3 weeks and go crazy everytime they see me cause I bring treats.

Their favorite is tiny meal worms... But I have been making them a yolk paste from plain yogurt and mashed up egg yolk, which is really sorta tastey... They love it too now. I have been offering a bit of bird gravel the really fine stuff.... but do not let them eat too much.

Besides that they have tried and like cooked carrots, raw shredded cababge, celery tops, tomotoes, cooked corn cut off the cob and chopped with the cob left to peck at,
mashed peaches, mashed grapes, strawberries and apple.

They try anything I offer, and are so spoiled already! But so cute... now I have got to try cheese.... hehe. They have not been too interested in greens... I will have to try them on something with a bit more flavor than lettuce.... maybe beet tops.

I need to try sweet potatoes and watermelon... both I have read are chickie favs.

One funny story... I left the bowl of mashed peaches in their box and came back to find one of the buff orpintons BATHING in them... I think she liked the smell. I renamed her Peaches... I had to give her a sponge bath after. What a sticky mess! It was SOO funny!
With my big vegetable garden, my chickens will be eating high off the hog!
It looks like they'll be dining on the compost pile, so I'll have to watch that no onions and potatoes end up there! Any other veggies I'll need to watch out for?
Scrambled eggs has worked in the oast, we will see in a couple weeks. I've done cooked oatmeal. None of them ever liked yogurt.

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