Good treats for baby chicks?

hubby got me 3 chicks today. while we were there I also got chick grit . the chicks are 2 days old are they to young for the chick grit or is there grit in the chick starter... the only sand we have was brought in and it's sandy loam in the garden. the ducks have pooped in there I'm sure..
They do NOT need grit unless they will be eating anything other than their chick starter.

Rooney, that is too funny! How old are your chicks?

Mine are four days old today, and I just set a pot of eggs on the stove to boil. Since I only have five chicks, I was going to try half an egg and see how they do (along with a bit of chick grit in a lid, just to get them used to the idea). I hope that they like it!
I have been cutting the grapes into 1/4s for my 3week old chicks and give it to them outside, they run around and chase each other with them. They drop them in the dirt and scratch at them, then pick them up and run again. So fun to watch.
I gave the girls some spaghetti noodles tonight and it was like a feeding frenzy! I tried some diced up banana pieces and they didn't go for those hardly at all. There tastes should change though as they continue to grow.
Mine are going on 4 weeks, and so far the favorite is yogurt. We had a rain a week ago, and we had small red worms in the road. There was a frenzy when those got to the brooder- chasing each other in circles- I am not sure that many got eaten though.
And here I've been blindly obeying the back of the chick starter crumbles bag: "Feed as the sole ration for chicks from 0 to 8 weeks"
My older girls, outside, get scratch, BOSS, and occaisional kitchen treats (besides their layer feed), but I didn't think the babies were "allowed" to have treats.
Well, after reading this whole thread last night, I guess I'm gonna head to Petco for some parakeet grit-- or, better yet, check at the feed store-- where we got the seven chicks on and after "Chick
Day"-- for chick grit. Then I can boil up a couple of these 3-4 dozen eggs my big girls have given us.
Again, the Forum has taught me something. Thanks!

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