Good vibes in Colorado: Now the Bungie & Uno story

And getting cuter by the minute!!!
Janet ver. 2.0 has arrived!!
I have to say that she is lighter in color compared to Squeaky when she was small. Janet 2.0 is still very cute!! Is she nosy?
With the feet color, the bill color, and the fuzz color, this has got to be Janet's baby. It just looks light from the flash of the camera. She is darker than it looks on the picture.

Just went and checked on the baby. JJ pooed AND showed off that he/she figured out the water pan AND the hanging water bottle. I wanted to use just the bottle to reduce mess but I wasn't sure if the little goober would figure it out. Sure enough, JJ waddled over to the bottle and took a couple of sips by pecking her/his bill at the tip and looked at me like "See? I are Smarts!" Not sure if JJ has got in to the chick starter yet, but no worries on that yet. I am sure there is still plenty of yolk power left in his/her system.

Is JJ nosy or did you mean noisy? I would say yes and yes. JJ is very alert and is in constant motion one second and the next snoozing his/her little bill off. JJ peeps and squeaks a lot, but it not a sad lonely noise. JJ seems to have accepted the little duck in the mirror "buddy" and the feather duster babysitter, so I am just a fun guest to show off for, not the sole source of entertainment and social contact.

Tomorrow I go buddy shopping!!!!!

I hope JJ likes my taste in ducklings.
Oh I'm so glad!! She is such a cutie. I just want to cuddle with her. I can't wait to see what little friends you bring home for JJ


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