Good vibes in Colorado: Now the Bungie & Uno story


All duckies should be so cute, (wait, they are!) but now I love JJ the most!!
You need to change your name to "Crazy Duck Lady". They are already calling me that down at the pet store

I saw lil JJ eating some chick starter earlier

He/she has the eating and drinking thing down. Now JJ is learning how to randomly move things around the brooder pen and preen the babysitter.
My son gave me the name crazy cat lady, my nephews call me goat lady, so why not, I can become crazy duck lady. Or try to come up with something to fit with all my pets. Yep, I even have chickens too.
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I have more than fifty ducks and eggs to go in the 'bator tomorrow. LOL In the summer we go over a hundred at a time. The only time I think maybe could be too many is when I have to clean the brooders. Other wise too much is not enough!
I'm glad JJ is on his/her way. From the picture, she looks very healthy. It's good that at least some piece of Janet still lives on!!
Me too
Janet was great at keeping squirrels out of the yard.

My double decker brooder seems to be working too. True it has only been 2 days and I only have one duck, but no smell and it literally took me 2 minutes to clean the top pad and wipe the sprayed food off the walls. I will start a double decker brooder thread to show pics.

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