Good vibes in Colorado: Now the Bungie & Uno story

Aww, sure is an active little thing. Little busy body
I hope so. Still no luck finding a brooder buddy. Big R was supposed to get ducklings in Monday and they still aren't in yet!
Your baby is SO cute! I like the water bottle idea, I have never thought of that before. Does it work well? Are you just using a water bottle like you would for rabbits? Baby ducklings can be so messy--but SO cute!
I won't have any baby ducklings in at my store until March 27th--I wish I had some sooner for you:(

I didn't have anyone ask for a specific breed, so I just ordered 25 hatchery choice from Welp Hatchery. I can always order more if I get requests.

I usually order a few different times during the breeding season. I try to have an assortment of poultry available year round. And with our new local hatchery, that should be possible!

I'm also selling some of the full grown ducks, geese, & chickens from our farm. My husband is building me a pen at the store, so I can have them available here. Some people want them already grown, & I need to downsize.
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I just got JJ a buddy. I went to Big R because they finally got ducklings in. All they had were Rouens and Pekins left by the time I got there. I got a rouen. At least I think it is a rouen...if not it is a mallard.

Anyway...this new duckling is about 2-3 days old. JJ is almost a week old and looks HUGE compared to the new duckling.

On the way home, it kept trying to jump out of the container I had it in. It also tried to jump out of the brooder even though the walls are way high. Because of this, I think I am going to name this new duck BUNGIE.

They poked and nipped at each other at first but seemed to have settled down. We have some sibling rivalry going on already. I gave them some french cut green beans in a shallow dish with water. JJ only is interested in the bean that Bungie has. Bungie only wants to steal back the bean JJ takes. Of course, both of the idiots are ignoring the other 15 pieces of green bean in the bowl. It is apparently more fun to play keep away. KIDS!!
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Congrats on the JJ's new buddy... I like "Bungie" for it's name! Cute! Too funny about the green beans, my chicks do that when I give them hard boiled egg , there's a whole bunch in a bowl and they all want the one piece someone else has.

We need pics of Bungie!

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