Goodbye snoopy neighbor and an (often defunct) HOA letter

My daughter sits on a HOA board in Illinois. They were having a 'problem' with a neighbor and the board's lawyer told them that all the agreements in the world don't hold up in court. The best they could hope for was that the guy would buckle under pressure. It turns out this is still a free country (sometimes). It might have been worth a visit to a lawyer, if you know a "good" one.
If the CC&Rs are well written and within the bounds of state statutes, it CAN and DOES hold up in court. Now if things are enforced unfairly (enforced against some people and not others) or if that provision conflicts with state or federal laws, typically that provision can be tossed. Most legal documents have a severability clause, that basically says that if one provision is ruled unenforceable by a court, the other provisions remain in effect.
We are also facing the same issue , we had a neighbor complain we had 2 roosters which have been re homed, we have had chickens for over a year before we found out we weren't suppose to , I will not be re homing but rather fighting city hall as they are not just a source for eggs but are indeed our pets who we interact with daily our children play with them they are part of our family each has her own name and personality . I know it wasn't either of adjoining neighbors as they love the seeing the chickens and also the ducks we have we live on a corner lot .
My neighbor complained that their dog was barking at my chickens and the barking was disturbing the neighborhood. So, their dog barks and its my fault. So, I agreed to put up a solid plywood half fence against our shared fence so their dog can't see the chickens. I think it helped the dog from barking at the chickens but the dog still barks at me or any other person. I gave the neighbor some eggs, and plan to give them more. I hope they don't turn me in. Otherwise, I think I'll have to trim trees with a chainsaw early every Saturday. Lol ;-)
My neighbor complained that their dog was barking at my chickens and the barking was disturbing the neighborhood. So, their dog barks and its my fault. So, I agreed to put up a solid plywood half fence against our shared fence so their dog can't see the chickens. I think it helped the dog from barking at the chickens but the dog still barks at me or any other person. I gave the neighbor some eggs, and plan to give them more. I hope they don't turn me in. Otherwise, I think I'll have to trim trees with a chainsaw early every Saturday. Lol ;-)

yes, those trees need a little trimming :)

I have been (sadly, overly) noticing all the barking dogs lately, now that my chickies are gone...the barking in the middle of the night and during the day...I should have made a log of before, during and after....They are way louder than roosters AND they continue on and on! Plus, roosters don't crow at night AT ALL. I just don't get it.
If we allow dogs, but not chickies...But back to the bear and fox and raccoon concern...I guess. But those critters are already here!!! PLus, my kids are loud enough, they are probably offer a good protection for the neighborhood from those critters (they should PAY me to have more kids!-HA!) No...they HATE the NOISE my kids make too...

oh, and my other neighbors build something...probably a dog house, just guesing...because of the new dog barking from that direction.
I'm sure they didn't get the design "pre-approved"...but maybe since she is the VP of the HOA, she just gives herself permission???
anyway, they got a new puppy and he barks like crazy at the birds, squirels?, other neighbor dogs? random things the move...leaves?...and of course, when he can hear (but not see) my kids playing in our backyard...he is just protecting his yard from anything and everything he can hear or see move. Am I going to stop playing in my yard? My kids NEED to play (not be on the computer or tv all day).
HAHAHA, PEOPLE are making their dog bark.
Get rid of the people!!!

We converted the coop into a play house for the kids and the run into a compost pile keeper.

GOOD LUCK keeblerelf and Pam's chicks...dealing with that kind of neighbor is emotionally taxing...I hope yours are more considerate.

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