>>Goose Attack<< (graphic)

She's doing good now. She was really "Blah" when i first found her. I think the warm bath helped, she's been up cleaning herself and trying to make what feathers she does have left look good.

Her head is just ridiculous
, I just hope it all grows back eventually. Same with her poor, naked wing. I still can't wrap my head around why they would have attacked her, It all happened overnight too.

Good news is that her baby, Numa, is getting bigger and needs to come out of the brooder. So when she is well enough to go outside she will be in a special pen with Numa for company.

She's making a mess but seems pretty comfortable, drinking lots of water and i think i am going to give her some antibiotics starting tomorrow, because there is so many 'open' areas. I don't wanna stress her out anymore tonight by putting more stuff into her body... I think she's had enough for one day...
Don't forget that growing those feathers is going to take a whole lot of protein. So treat her with the scrambled or boiled egg and yogurt as often as you can while she is recovering.

I would also recommend a course of antibiotics once she has calmed down and are no longer afraid of shock. Also vitamins, either the polyvisol (without iron) or the vitamin and electrolyte solution in the water. Just remember in the water, 3 days on, one week off.

Make sure to give those open spots enough time to scab over really good before you put her baby in with her. You don't want to risk any picking/pecking.

With such severe feather loss she will also be susceptible to the sun. So make sure she has plenty of shade if you turn her lose before she grows the feathers back.

Thanks Laney

I am going to start her later today on the antibiotics. She has Avia Charge 2000 in her water right now, will that be good enough?

I am also going to get her some different, higher protien food.
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Unless they are raised together, the geese will be aggressive towards other livestock and predators. I know she looks bad and it was a shock to find her that way, but it's really not as bad as it looks. Give her a couple of weeks to a month to grow back those feathers while she's getting some TLC and she'll be fine.
My teacher used to use a Goose as a guard dog. She liked to sit on their front porch and kept people away.
Sorry about your girl that sucks. I remember running last year with some friends and the guys running behind us chased some geese and they flew over us and "PLOP!" (turded right over us!) RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FACE! we were laughing so hard we couldn't continue running and were rolling in the grass laughing so hard.
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I had some free ranging geese several years ago. They formed themselves into two "clans". Once in a while the clans would get in a fight and kill each other. At first I thought coyotes were the culprit when I would find a dead goose, but I soon found out it was the geese warring with each other. Why, I do not know. They had plenty of feed and several acres on which to roam.

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