
Jun 2, 2020
Hello, my name is Rhi. Thank you for letting me be part of this community :)

I am completely new to incubating eggs. During this UK lockdown I thought I’d try my hand at some Embden goose eggs I got given. The first batch (just two eggs) I unfortunately had no success with.

However, my second/current batch, is now on day 26. I have increased the humidity to about 75%, and went to give the eggs their final turn before putting them into (egg-related, not Coronavirus) lockdown. I went to turn egg number 4, and it gave me the shock of my life when it started chirping loudly and seemed to be tapping about inside the egg. I had at this point turned the egg (I’ve got a mini Brinsea incubator, not really large enough for goose eggs. The auto-turn can’t turn the goose eggs, so I’ve been turning them myself manually throughout their incubation).

Anyway, number 4 has been very vocal, andam just looking for some advice. Obviously I will now not turn the eggs again. I am too scared to candle number 4 as I don’t want to move him around unnecessarily.

how long roughly should I expect him to hatch from now, do you think? He’s still chirping as we speak, I can hear him from inside the incubator. I can’t see any visible cracks on the shell yet. I am just praying he will be ok and come out ok. I’m so new to this and I would be devastated if he didn’t make it. (I was obviously born to be a goose mother, haha!)

any advice would be massively massively appreciated. Thank you all so much.
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If you hear chirping then it has internally pipped. It should externally pip the shell in the next day or so.
Ok, I’ll keep a close eye on him best I can. Does it sound like I’m doing the right things by having increased the humidity/ not turning the eggs any more? I’m so sorry if I sound clueless, thank you so much for your help.
Ok, I’ll keep a close eye on him best I can. Does it sound like I’m doing the right things by having increased the humidity/ not turning the eggs any more? I’m so sorry if I sound clueless, thank you so much for your help.
Sounds perfect. Definitely don't turn anymore. I lock my geese down on day 25 usually. Be prepared to wait, my goose took 4 days to hatch after internal pip. It's totally normal. Waterfowl are very slow. Don't panic. Sounds like you have no need to though, everything sounds great. What type of incubator are you using? I've never heard of the one you mentioned. Also, welcome to BYC, Rhi!
Sounds perfect. Definitely don't turn anymore. I lock my geese down on day 25 usually. Be prepared to wait, my goose took 4 days to hatch after internal pip. It's totally normal. Waterfowl are very slow. Don't panic. Sounds like you have no need to though, everything sounds great. What type of incubator are you using? I've never heard of the one you mentioned. Also, welcome to BYC, Rhi!
Hi :) thank you so much for your advice, I feel very encouraged now :) i got hardly any sleep for worrying last night, haha!
Yup I defo won’t be turning them any more from now on, and in the future if I decide to incubate any more, I will take your advice and stop turning on day 25 to be safe.

hahaa I’m so sorry I just realised I’d got the brand name of the incubator wrong! It’s actually a Brinsea Mini incubator... definitely a bit of a tight squeeze for goose eggs!:lol:

Thank you so much again, and it’s great to be a part of this forum!
hi everyone, thank you sooo much for your advice on my thread. I am super proud to say I am now a mother goose to little Kinder :) he made his debut appearance last night at 11:30pm. He’s adorable. Thank y’all so much again, and I will always do my best to help others on this forum wherever I can to return the favour

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