Goose Eggs: Day 35 and Seeing Nothing...


May 2, 2017
Southeast Missouri
I've braved the gander and goose and candled again. There is a clear air cell with the goslings taking up still most of the egg.

Egg 1:

Egg 2:

Egg 3:

Development wise, how do these eggs look?
Do I make a safety hole? Let them go? Look for any more clues?
Have a cider and relax a minute?

Clearly I'm too invested in these eggs, beyond that, I'm not clear on the best course of action. Momma has gotten them this far, I'm sure the best answer is to trust her...
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I can snap more pictures after dark. Would it help to have the egg back lit? I was trying to keep from turning them over or handling them too much. That said, I didn't see any internal pipping or movement.

She is still sitting, but faithfully is questionable. I'll catch her on the nest as much as off. Up until this weekend (and more specifically today) she was glued to the nest except for maybe a quick break for food, etc.
Yes do it in the dark if you can. Maybe since she has been on so much today she knows something is getting ready to happen. Sure hope so.
I have a broody goose who doesn't even lay eggs any longer.:rolleyes:

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