Goose flew the coop, question.


Mar 20, 2016
Molino, Florida
Tomorrow makes a week since we purchased our geese. I did research online which stated most domesticated geese cannot fly plus I have ducks and none of them can fly.

Anyways, Thursday something startled one of my geese and it flew away. I assumed that it probably flew back where it came from. Today, I saw it fly out of my neighbor's woods into her backyard. My geese were making noise but then stopped and the goose went back into the woods. My neighbor is uncooperative in our search and rescue efforts. We bought a goose call on Amazon which will be here Tuesday to try to get her to come home. Is there anything else we can do to get her to come home?

Actually most domestic geese can fly. Some of them quite well, for some distance. You'll need to clip wings if you can get it to come back.
Tomorrow makes a week since we purchased our geese. I did research online which stated most domesticated geese cannot fly plus I have ducks and none of them can fly.

Anyways, Thursday something startled one of my geese and it flew away. I assumed that it probably flew back where it came from. Today, I saw it fly out of my neighbor's woods into her backyard. My geese were making noise but then stopped and the goose went back into the woods. My neighbor is uncooperative in our search and rescue efforts. We bought a goose call on Amazon which will be here Tuesday to try to get her to come home. Is there anything else we can do to get her to come home?

If you can go to edge of the woods with some whole corn you might be able to get the gooses attention long enough to get it to follow you home you could also try putting up a portable fence with a goose inside a dog crate at the back of it
Then putting down some whole corn at the outside of the crate if the goose goes inside the fence to check out the goose and eat then you can quickly close up the fence and take the goose home. I did this 2x rescuing ducks that had been dumped in the river below our home and also rescuing a rooster some one dumped at our church. To rescue the roo I brought my dog X pen and set it up with one end opemn brought along a hen inside a dog crate put it to the back of the pen. I only had to wait about 5 min before the roo went into the pen and i closed up the end went in and picked him up. With the ducks I feed them for about 3 days before setting up the pen at the waters edge when they saw me coming they knew that meant feed so I just put the feed down at far end of pen and they waddled right inside and I closed up the end and picked them up put them into a crate and brought them home.

I hope you can get your goose home and do rec clipping one wing or covering top of pen.

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