Goose Incubation & Hatching Guide - Completed!!!!

Thank you Ren2014! I appreciate the response. Yes, it is the shell on the left and the head on the right. Sorry for the terrible picture but I did not want to disturb the hen currently keeping it warm!

After I assist it getting out should I put it back under the hen?

Thanks again,
Go slow on cracking the egg off and make sure the yolk is absorbed before taking all the shell off. and there is no blood veins left, If you put the gosling back under the hen watch to make sure she accepts it.
Hi MissLydia!
So I successfully removed the shell and she pushed her way out. There was no blood whatsoever but there was a lot of slime that smelled rotten. But... the gosling doesn't seem normal to me. She's very shaky and can't unroll her feet. They're all clenched up. She also seems to have something rather large and raw looking (but not bloody) herniated out of her navel. I cleaned her up really good, sprayed the herniated portion with Vertycin and put it back under the hen, who seemed happy to see her.

This is my first goose to hatch, so I'm not sure if all geese are kind of shaky and clenched up when they hatch. I'm going to give her a few hours under her mom and check again. Maybe she needs a rest after all of that egg pushing!

Thank you for the help!
Hi MissLydia!
So I successfully removed the shell and she pushed her way out. There was no blood whatsoever but there was a lot of slime that smelled rotten. But... the gosling doesn't seem normal to me. She's very shaky and can't unroll her feet. They're all clenched up. She also seems to have something rather large and raw looking (but not bloody) herniated out of her navel. I cleaned her up really good, sprayed the herniated portion with Vertycin and put it back under the hen, who seemed happy to see her.

This is my first goose to hatch, so I'm not sure if all geese are kind of shaky and clenched up when they hatch. I'm going to give her a few hours under her mom and check again. Maybe she needs a rest after all of that egg pushing!

Thank you for the help!

Great job!
She definitely needs to rest and putting her back with the mom is good. Just watch closely. Also, watch the naval area, you don't want it getting dirty and infected.
@IronEagle how's the little one doing? Keep us posted and we love pictures
Hi Ren,
As of this evening she was still alive. Under mom and chirping softly. But sadly her feet have still not unfurled at all and the herniated area was still the same. I gave her a little tuck up under mom before I locked them in for the night. I don't have new pics though because I was still trying to let her rest. I'm pretty anxious (already) for tomorrow morning, I'll be sure to update.

Honestly I was not expecting anything from this clutch so I really hope she survives. But I'm not getting any hopes up. Thank you for your advice. It was the right thing to do to get her out of the shell. Hopefully she'll turn the corner tonight and we'll wake up to a peppy little gosling!

Thank you so much. Many blessings.
Hi Ren,
As of this evening she was still alive. Under mom and chirping softly. But sadly her feet have still not unfurled at all and the herniated area was still the same. I gave her a little tuck up under mom before I locked them in for the night. I don't have new pics though because I was still trying to let her rest. I'm pretty anxious (already) for tomorrow morning, I'll be sure to update.

Honestly I was not expecting anything from this clutch so I really hope she survives. But I'm not getting any hopes up. Thank you for your advice. It was the right thing to do to get her out of the shell. Hopefully she'll turn the corner tonight and we'll wake up to a peppy little gosling!

Thank you so much. Many blessings.
Prayers for her. If you have any betadine (or diluted Iodine) that works well for the navel. If the toes are still curled in the AM, go ahead and open them up. You might need to intervene there but leaving her to Mom and nature are the best remedies.
Prayers for her.  If you have any betadine  (or diluted Iodine) that works well for the navel.  If the toes are still curled in the AM, go ahead and open them up.  You might need to intervene there but leaving her to Mom and nature are the best remedies.  :fl

I wouldn't say they're the best unfortunately. In nature that gosling would be dead. Do what you think is best IronEagle!

I made "shoes" for a gosling with curled up feet, it worked.

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