Goose Incubation & Hatching Guide - Completed!!!!

I made an external pip in the eggs, I can see them, and they are breathing nicely.
they are not hatching anymore. I wanted to know about the proper temp I should keep them in, while
they are still sorta in the egg, but free from a part of the egg shell.
they seem to be doing great! They are breathing, and I had read it takes them a good while to acclimmate
their lungs to normal air breathing.
But there moving around some, and look fine.
Because of how dry the membrane was, could they be dehydrated?
what concerns should I have? and what should I be looking for now?
Mr K@
I made an external pip in the eggs, I can see them, and they are breathing nicely. they are not hatching anymore. I wanted to know about the proper temp I should keep them in, while they are still sorta in the egg, but free from a part of the egg shell. they seem to be doing great! They are breathing, and I had read it takes them a good while to acclimmate their lungs to normal air breathing. But there moving around some, and look fine. Because of how dry the membrane was, could they be dehydrated? what concerns should I have? and what should I be looking for now? Thanks, Mr K@
What do you mean they are not hatching anymore?
miss lydia my goose is on 5 eggs and also she hasnt came off the eggs at all since she was on them yesterday morning so im happy she is starting to lose a lot of fluff so im soo excited and also when my goose eggs in my bator get ready to hatch when do i go on lockdown on day 28 or what
miss lydia my goose is on 5 eggs and also she hasnt came off the eggs at all since she was on them yesterday morning so im happy she is starting to lose a lot of fluff so im soo excited and also when my goose eggs in my bator get ready to hatch when do i go on lockdown on day 28 or what
Great news nate. as far as lock down in bators I have no clue never used one. Go to the gosling hatch a long for 2014 or read Pete's guide on this thread.
Miss Lydia,
I mean I chiped the air cell back, and can see them.
They dont need to do much to get out of the egg.
while they are at a hatching time, they arent hatching.
I semi hatched them.
I made an external pip, and seen the membrane was dry, and chiped the egg
shell back to display the gosling.
they are still sorta i9n the egg, and I can see them, but its no longer a hatch time I am waiting for.
I need to know what I should be concerned with now.
and what I should be waiting to see, and what I should do next.
they appear to be breathing fine, and they are moving.
Mr k@
Mr K or one thing your temp is too high for geese eggs. It should be 99* or 99.5*
I hope they are not shrink wrapped because of the high temp. If you have taken and peeled some of the egg shell off you now need to use a warm water mist them to help the gosling break through the membrane. What day are they on? Because you stop turning the eggs on day 27. They will go to day 30. Some will hatch on day 29 depending on the gosling.
As peasue said and Miss Lyida go to Pete's Guide on hatching goslings it will help you and guide you through this.
I did read petes post.
Thats why I took the air cell back.
The membrane is dry, and shrinkwrap, but I didnt want to disturb the bird
by messing with it further.
I dont know about the yoke, and if it is ready to be fully out yet.
I will try to get one out further, but if they were ready to be fully out
wouldnt they be trying to get out?
if I get one out and he dies, I would feel horrible.
I will give them one hour, and go try further.
Mr k@
I did read petes post. Thats why I took the air cell back. The membrane is dry, and shrinkwrap, but I didnt want to disturb the bird by messing with it further. I dont know about the yoke, and if it is ready to be fully out yet. I will try to get one out further, but if they were ready to be fully out wouldnt they be trying to get out? if I get one out and he dies, I would feel horrible. I will give them one hour, and go try further. thanks Mr k@
Mr K if they are shrink wrapped they most likely can't get out. the membrane dries so hard they can't get through it. can you post a really good pic so we can see, you could try just making a very small hole in the membrane and then using a spray bottle on fine mist the membrane with some warm water to moisten it up so even use a qtip and warm water to moisten the membrane. We don't want you to lose any of the rst but once you peeled egg shell that's when the shrink wrapping can happen.
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the shrinkwrapping did begin.
I just tried to help one by easing the membrane back, but the membrane tore a
and started bleeding.
This scares the shizznit out of me.
they are acting ready to come out, but my helping them
will surely kill them.
I would love to get you a picture, but I have no camera.
I can say the egg shell is chipped back about as far as
the air cell was. they have a piece of membrane that hangs down, but not
over their nostrils.
they are active, and breathing fine.
but im sure trying to help further will kill one
or all.
While I was helping one he started to push out.
should maybe I watch to see if they try to release theirselves?
to me they dont seem like they are hard membraned within the egg.
But this is my first hatch ever.
so I dont know this from seeing it before.
If they did try to get out couldnt they tare their membrane and bleed?
it all seemed easy till lastnite, thats when the first one died trying to get out.
very sad.
Mr k@
Mr K since you have started to help the goslings I am going to try and guide you through this a bit. First get some clean wash cloths and make the water as hot as you can stand it. Wet the wash clothes and just wring very lightly. Put into the incubator right by the goslings. Do not be afraid at this point to open the incubator. Also disinfect your hand with alcohol pick up the eggs and a q-tip and wet the q-tip with hot water and put on the membrane keep doing until the membrane is wet. Now pull the membrane to break it with you fingers pull it open. See how much you can bring off the gosling. If it starts to bleed stop and put the gosling back for a couple hours. But make sure you have the membrane pulled where the gosling has it's head out.
DO NOT take the shell off of the bottom part keep that egg yolk sac connected to it.
You can do this to each gosling and put it back for several hours and then check on them. Repeat until the gosling can kick out theirself....
Now if they do and the egg sac has not went in. Make sure to get iodine or betadine and spry the egg sac with it then. Get a clean wash cloth and wet it with very warm water and wrap the gosling all around the mid section leaving the head and feet out. Keep doing this until the yolk sac has went in.

I hope this helps you. But I hope it is day 30 on these.. Remember gosling take a long time to hatch they are not like chickens.

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