Goose or Gander?


Mar 14, 2022
Hello everyone. I took a long hiatus after an almost total flock loss last year.

Anyway, I was at TSC last year and was practically given this bird ($1 lol). I'm not even sure if I have the breed correct, a Toulouse maybe? At first I thought it was a boy, but now I don't know šŸ˜¬

How do I figure it out so I stop giving it a identity crisis.

Btw, it's name is "Goose" haha. Lovely bird. Protects the flock and will *sometimes* allow it's human to pick it up.


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I have better luck sexing geese by actions rather than physical look, but that looks like a goose to me.
I have heard where the male has a different noise than the female? This one is more of a *kaw kaw kaw* but in more of a honk tone. Haven't found any eggs so that's why I'm curious
That is a toulousse. The non-dewlap variety. They are supposed to be a bit gentler than other geese. So many people like them for this trait. You can tell the breed by how its got MORE grey than other breeds.

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