Goose Ripped Beak: Need Help Please

Thank you everyone!

Good news: he's actually doing very very well, considering. I made him a soup - a very very watery soup - out of his flock raiser and left it out for him, and by afternoon when I came to check on him his crop was a bit round and he had obviously eaten some. Right now, I have both of them in my living room in separate crates (his a soft one, so he cannot re-injure himself) and he's eating and drinking great.

I feel so bad for him, though. He spent a lot of time today looking down at the grass that he couldn't eat. :( The situation was so horrible, I still want to cry every time I think about it. It was a gut-churningly horrible experience for all of us. But I've learned my lesson, and from now on all windows in his outside coop will be above his head where he cannot reach them and do damage.

@casportpony Thank you for the meloxicam dose! I will make a note & write that down for future reference.

@Miss Lydia Thank you so much for the support!!! You've been a lifesaver.

@jeepgirl13 Scrambled eggs is a good idea! I didn't think to try that.

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