Goose slowly became lame and is drooling


In the Brooder
May 15, 2022
Hi all, my goose just yesterday started losing his balance and eventually just stopped walking. He was fine until maybe 5pm and then I noticed him just walk and fall and just refuse to get up. Now my first thought is a niacin deficiency but I also had a duck a few days ago do this, he suddenly just stopped walking, became lethargic, stopped eating/drinking and then passed away in a total of 2 days. So I’m concerned.

I seperated him from the others just to observe him. He’s still drinking lots of water and had a strong appetite but as of 11am today he’s declining food (last meal was around 7am and it was just a small portion)Every now and again he shakes his head and a good amount of mucous (clear in color) comes out, it’s kinda viscous. Usually a few minutes after drinking water. This is the first time I’ve really noticed this much water come out of him. I’m not even sure if it is a symptom or if I should be concerned. I’m hoping it’s niacin deficient because I can resolve that but 2 of them coming down with this in a week is just strange

More info below.
1) Goose, about 2 years old, around 13 pounds

2) What is the behavior, exactly. Drooling, refusing food, lame

3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms? Less than 24 hours

4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms? No but one suddenly passed a few days ago after experiencing same symptoms

5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma. No

6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation. Possible niacin deficient

7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all. Purina Layer Pellets

8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc. slightly runny but normal little logs.

9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far? Durvet vitamins and electrolytes. I also have Rooster Booster Electrolytes and Vitamins and Save-a-chick electrolyte and vitamins but I haven’t used those yet.

10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet? I prefer to treat at home but if it’s a sign of anything other then niacin deficient, we will be heading to a vet

11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.

12) Describe the housing/bedding in use. For the most part he free ranges but comes in to our shed at night and bedding is just straw
This points to some sort of toxic poisoning. You need to take hard look at the environment in which these geese have been interacting. Are there leaking machines sitting around? Has anyone been working on cars or other engines in the area, possibly contaminating soil or water? How about mold in feed or soil? Is there any algae blooms taking place in a pond where the geese swim?
This points to some sort of toxic poisoning. You need to take hard look at the environment in which these geese have been interacting. Are there leaking machines sitting around? Has anyone been working on cars or other engines in the area, possibly contaminating soil or water? How about mold in feed or soil? Is there any algae blooms taking place in a pond where the geese swim?
This may have answered my question. My mother recently started living with me (I let her put a trailer on my property) and she keeps on trying to give them scraps, scraps that are often moldy. I’ve caught her most times but I did see her throwing some bread to them about a week ago and a pan of something. I got most of it before they ate it but I guess it I wasn’t quick enough.
Mold can certainly cause these symptoms. You might want to talk with your mother and stress the rule that if she wouldn't eat the scraps, the geese shouldn't eat them either.

Get a bottle of activated charcoal capsules from any store that sells people vitamins. Give two capsules three times a day for the next couple days and it might be able to absorb the toxin that is in this goose's system. Push extra nutrition when feeding the goose to give her system something to fight back with.
I would also look for the possibility of botulism, a disease caused by eating a toxin in dead fish or maggots around an area where fish have died. It affects mostly ducks and other water birds. Avian influenza has also affected migrating waterfowl in the US for a couple of years. The common things as azygous mentioned are mold and other toxins. Weed killer, insecticides are things to consider this time of years. Your state vet can perform a necropsy and testing on any fowl and look for a possible cause. Sorry for your loss.
Mold can certainly cause these symptoms. You might want to talk with your mother and stress the rule that if she wouldn't eat the scraps, the geese shouldn't eat them either.

Get a bottle of activated charcoal capsules from any store that sells people vitamins. Give two capsules three times a day for the next couple days and it might be able to absorb the toxin that is in this goose's system. Push extra nutrition when feeding the goose to give her system something to fight back with.
Just to update, activated charcoal seems to have worked. He’s much more active, has a better appetite and is even trying to walk more! Thanks so much
Are you also giving him vitamin E? I would continue with vitamin E and B-complex to further repair any damage to nerve connections so he doesn't develop a chronic neurological disability.
Are you also giving him vitamin E? I would continue with vitamin E and B-complex to further repair any damage to nerve connections so he doesn't develop a chronic neurological disability.
I attached a photo of what my feed store gave me. It was all they had for vitamins


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People vitamins are what we use for this sort of therapeutic purpose as they have a much higher concentration than animal vitamin supplements. Get regular vitamin E 400iu in the 1000mg concentration. Get B-complex with a minimum of 50mg to 100mg per B-vitamin. The labels will say B-50 or B-100. Give these pills one per day directly into the beak. Do the E for one week and the B-complex for the next four weeks.

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