GopherBoy Farms Original Coop (addition 1/19/2009)

I hope that pic of your husband was photoshopped! yikes.

Then Hen Palace looks more palatial each time we get a new photograph.
Thanks for taking the time to post. I really am amazed at the carpentry skills such a goof ball could have.

The chickens ought to love him!

Carla is a look at all we did today...after the GopherBoy accident.........

Ashley(RatGirl) painting inside

Coltin (WeaselBoy) painting

Kid helpers



Lance...aka GopherBoy does everything perfect....this is just the primer
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We haven't built our coop yet, but I'm going to show my DH this thread! Hopefully, it will motivate him to get it done, and he'll get a huge kick out of it, as much as I got! Thanks for sharing your coop project with us. Your DH is really, really, funny.
Your family could have their own TV show! LOL!!!!
Once again I am astonished and amazed! Well that was after I was done laughing my butt off that is!
OH its sooo close to being totally completed! Isnt that a wonderful feeling! I have just started mine and it feels as if I will never get it completed. You give me such inspiration knowing that there will be a day when mine will be almost done too. Keep up the awesome job and keep thoes pics commin! JEN
oh thank you Jen...that was what I kept saying today.....I see the light at the end of the tunnel...we are so close to it being done. So close to getting the girls into their new home! I can feel the completed coop coming just around the corner!

I'm thinkin' that Gopher-boy looks (and acts?) a lot like a toothy Ty Pennington!

LMAO we have so many people tell him he looks like Ty...I had to tell him who Ty was "you know that guy that does the asprin commercial".

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Well the chickens are still in the garage.....but we are getting closer. I think today will be the day that we can at least move the brooder to the coop...and let the girls check out their new home. We finished putting the floor in yesterday by covering the preasure treated floor w/ tar paper and thenlaying the plywood...this shows the starting point..

GopherBoy got a little side tracked for a moment. Our inside cats had been laying in the open windows and I was afraid they would jump out and get hurt so now they have an outside area that they can lay in the sun, be close to us when we are outside, and still be safe and happy.
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I am so ready to get started on our coop & run. But I still like looking at all the ones that are being worked on now. You all have given such great ideas and I pray that as our is being built you will also glean some ideas from us.

Keep up the good work.

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