Gosling ID


Apr 12, 2017
Hello, I have a 2 week old gosling, hatchery choice. I believe she is female, but I do not know what type she is. Maybe Embden? She is pure yellow with no other shading, but hey eyes are really dark and do not look blue. Kinda fun trying to guess!

Also, if anyone has day old gosling or ducks in se WI, I'd love to get her a brood mate. I have goslings in the incubator still a long way to go. She did not do well with chicks.
Very cute! All yellow like that is likely white Chinese. Can you get a picture of where her beak meets her head?
Yep, I'm saying white Chinese. The way the beak arches up when it meets the head like that is indicative that he will have a knob :)
Awesome, thanks! Was that a generic use of "he" or is there an indicator of gender already? I tried to do a vent check but am inexperienced so could have been way wrong.
That was generic! Some people can eyeball goslings and sex them but I vent sex, lol.
I have 10 geese eggs in the incubator, but I left the window open in the room and the incubator dropped 10 degrees throughout the night. I turned it up and went to work, then it was 103. Ughh?. I have it stabilized now but doubt the hatch will be successful. So I managed to find some goslings on Craigslist near me, and Peck the white Chinese now has a whole flock! 2 are Toulouse, 1 for sure Pomeranian and two Sabastopol geese. 1 he wasn't sure if it was Pomeranian or Sabastopol because after hatching they were penned together and are now molting. Anyway, introducing Peck's flock!
I wouldn't give up on those eggs just yet. Cooling isn't BAD for them per se, depending on how long they're cooled, and 10 late term goose eggs, if huddled together, can hold their own heat pretty well. By the same virtue, they will also resist changes in heat, being mostly aqueous critters. How far along are they? Have you candled?
Yes, I've candled and they are still going! Today is day 13 and 6 out of 10 are developing, 1 is a maybe, and 3 infertile. I'm new at candling so I'll leave the maybe and infertiles for 2 more days.
Yes, I've candled and they are still going! Today is day 13 and 6 out of 10 are developing, 1 is a maybe, and 3 infertile. I'm new at candling so I'll leave the maybe and infertiles for 2 more days.

Excellent! What sort of eggs you got cooking there?

And yeah, I waited about 15 days before tossing my duds too. For chickens, I wait til day 10. A day 7 could fool you if you don't have a great candler. How bright is yours?

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