Gosling - Mushy Head?

Yes, things do happen NO matter how much you know mother nature takes over no matter what we try to do for them. We can do everything hopefully just right and still things go wrong. So you did the best you could and learned a lesson from the experience. Now you know what to do in these cases.
Very sorry for your loss.
Thanks everyone. The other gosling was breech as well and is doing very well, so I still have one. I have 2 more viable eggs, but they aren't due to hatch for another week.
Glad you have one gosling and congrats! You can give it a stuffed animal to keep it from being lonely and it WILL be lonely. Just make sure all tags and labels are cut off and it doesnt have any eyes or buttons that can be pulled off. Goslings will chew on anything and could get choked or bound up by something not digestable. Good luck on your other eggs!
Glad you have one gosling and congrats! You can give it a stuffed animal to keep it from being lonely and it WILL be lonely. Just make sure all tags and labels are cut off and it doesnt have any eyes or buttons that can be pulled off. Goslings will chew on anything and could get choked or bound up by something not digestable. Good luck on your other eggs!

LOL. It's far from lonely. It has 32 ducklings keeping it company right now. Hopefully I'll have another gosling for it, though. I am selling all the ducklings.

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