got a new puppy and going to do this right

I would first start by teaching him what "yes" means. If you're familiar with clicker training, you'll know that when you use the clicker, the dog gets a treat and knows that the click means they did good.

I LOVE clicker training. We use clickers with our dogs. Since the pitch of different clickers varies, each dog has his individually assigned clicker. It makes training so clear and easy. You know exactly what you mean, the dog knows exactly what you mean, everyone is communicating and happy. :D

Congrats on your puppy, Emily! Enjoy!!
Thank you for all the advice!
I have taught him sit what should i teach him next? also i have chickens how should i intreduce him to the chickens? and tomorrow he will have to be in the crate for like 2 hours is this ok? thanks? he does not seem to scared of the crate, as he goes in there on his own.
Thank you for all the advice!
I have taught him sit what should i teach him next? also i have chickens how should i intreduce him to the chickens? and tomorrow he will have to be in the crate for like 2 hours is this ok? thanks? he does not seem to scared of the crate, as he goes in there on his own.
Start with the chickens in the run, and let him off leash (but with one dragging) to gauge his initial reaction. Ignoring vs curious sniffing vs chasing need different training.
what is done?
What you do is basically when he is playing and you dont want him to anymore then you tell him done you can walk by mess with him then say done.or in the middle of tug of war say done when hes barking and you know what he is saying say done. Does that make sense it is a good way to teach him a command that can be transformed into more than one thing same as when he gets his biting stage he should've learned done and he will stop.

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