Got a new toy, anybody else into Off-roading?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 2, 2010
Kelseyville, CA
So Wifey and I bought a 1987 Bronco on Thursday. So far we love it, and the weather has been so nice that we decided to go topless (Take the shell off). We are having sooo much fun. It needs some work before it's ready to go off-roading, but for now it's fun to take around town!

Anybody else into off roading? Show me your rigs!



Shamokin PA,
well that's only about 30 minutes from me. The only thing my DH and I do off roading is the ATV and I stalled it today coming up a hill. It wasn't to nice I cut my foot and hand and went in a ditch. I think I'm done doing that. LOL
Here's some pics for you...


We even had an off-road wedding! All of our guests were brought out to our location by way of Hummers, thanks to all of our good friends

Nice rig! We used to be big off-roaders, I was magazine editor for one of the biggies in the UK, before I turned chicken farmer

We run two Land Rovers, one 1995 and a soft-topped 2001 and then I also have a 1971 Series LR who is my pride an joy... no pics on this comp but I'll post some later....
Awesome you guys. I have to say I love the Hummer, and what a great idea for the wedding. I wish I would have thought about that, but I'm sure Wifey would never have let me get away with that.

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