got another song for the wedding

AGH!!! How cliche

What no anime theme songs?
Why does that not suprise me

I love 'Freckles' from Ruroni Kenshin. I have the english and japanese versions (not that its very wedding-y)...actually I have way too many anime soundtracks!
lol. Do you listen to japanese bands? Like Judy and Mary do some of anime stuff (they did Freckles).
I have an insane anime collection

Seems we got a little off track there
She is awesome! Do you like Ayumi Hamasaki? She's got crazy big anime eyes

I love Dir En Grey, have you listened to them? They played some anime cons.
I love ayumi hamasaki. she had a show on cartoon network but it did not last long. I hear of dir en grey but never listened to the songs. Maybe I should?

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