Got chicken stories?

Okay so I have a story that kind of has to do with chickens-

Last summer I was outside and saw that once again some chicks had squeezed out of the I went to catch them and put them back. Our fence has multiple strands of electric wire going around it. That is an important piece of the story. So anyway I had gotten all but one and I was crouched down on my knees and had just caught the last one when all of a sudden.....There was a HUGE white flash and my vision was all foggy and wonky! I then noticed that the chick started yelling and went kinda limp! Honestly it took me a minute to figure out what was happening and then I realized my head was touching the electric wire! As soon as I got up the chick was fine again and so was my vision. I have heard that shocking your head can cause brain damage! I don't think s........what was I just talking about?
Okay so I have a story that kind of has to do with chickens-

Last summer I was outside and saw that once again some chicks had squeezed out of the I went to catch them and put them back. Our fence has multiple strands of electric wire going around it. That is an important piece of the story. So anyway I had gotten all but one and I was crouched down on my knees and had just caught the last one when all of a sudden.....There was a HUGE white flash and my vision was all foggy and wonky! I then noticed that the chick started yelling and went kinda limp! Honestly it took me a minute to figure out what was happening and then I realized my head was touching the electric wire! As soon as I got up the chick was fine again and so was my vision. I have heard that shocking your head can cause brain damage! I don't think s........what was I just talking about?
LOLOLOLOLOLOL just don't go scycho or else *evil laugh* you know what's coming. jk hope you're alright
yeah I threw a banana into my chickens' coop this morning and they went NUTS
. two of my chicekns got to it forst and started pecking like mad.
then, my silver wyendotte dove in on top of those two. My blue cochin(the one with mites
) was on the perch then and began to RUN across the PERCH! LOL it was SOOOOOOOOO funny to watch!
yeah I threw a banana into my chickens' coop this morning and they went NUTS
. two of my chicekns got to it forst and started pecking like mad.
then, my silver wyendotte dove in on top of those two. My blue cochin(the one with mites
) was on the perch then and began to RUN across the PERCH! LOL it was SOOOOOOOOO funny to watch!

Haha, I love that. Earlier, I gave my chicks some scrambled eggs. I got a handful and gave it to them. They were so focused on getting the piece that the other chick had, that it took them a minute to realize that there was still more.
What's new? any more funny stories? I've got one.

So I went out to my coop today and noticed that all the straw was out of the nesting box(I only have 1), so I refilled it as usual. Not a moment after I refilled it did two of my chickens start stretching their heads up in it and started eating the straw!!!
when will they stop?!?!?! At least they don't eat it as much as they eat paper...
(that experiment was a DISASTER!)
What's new? any more funny stories? I've got one.

So I went out to my coop today and noticed that all the straw was out of the nesting box(I only have 1), so I refilled it as usual. Not a moment after I refilled it did two of my chickens start stretching their heads up in it and started eating the straw!!!
when will they stop?!?!?! At least they don't eat it as much as they eat paper...
(that experiment was a DISASTER!)
Wow! Haha!

The other day, I let my cats kittens outside, and they started chasing my big rooster around. Not really a story, but it was fun to watch
ok I've got another one. So my chickens were out in their run today, and they were enjoying the day, when suddenly, IT BEGAN TO SNOW!!!
read my location for a hint. (it's STILL SNOWING!!!) so the chickens were all 'curse you, snow!' and '
why?'. oh, it was so funny. so then I went out there around 7:00 and the chickens came out to greet me... well once nutmeg, the queen of the flock, figured out that I didn't have food for her she went straight back into the coop and started clucking to the others to get their fluff back inside. they didn't listen to her, of course.

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