Got chicken stories?

so yesterday I was letting my neighbor pet one of my chickens when their little yorkie, Daisy, came running up. she spent the next few minutes trying to reach the(we couldn't decide whether Daisy thought the chicken was another-friendly-dog, food, or a toy
). teh chicken was NOT amused, and kept on squacking nervously. she eventually got over her dog-trying-to-jump-up-on-to-me phobia
so yesterday I was letting my neighbor pet one of my chickens when their little yorkie, Daisy, came running up. she spent the next few minutes trying to reach the(we couldn't decide whether Daisy thought the chicken was another-friendly-dog, food, or a toy
). teh chicken was NOT amused, and kept on squacking nervously. she eventually got over her dog-trying-to-jump-up-on-to-me phobia
Haha!!!! I have one, but I'll post tomorrow, I have to go to bed now.
Okay, so here it is:

I was doing vocab inside, and I knew that my hens were out. So, after awhile I heard this little knocking noise, but it was too quiet for someone to be knocking at the door, so I was just kinda like 'eh.' So then it kept repeating and I was like 'Man! What is that?!' So I open the door to find all four hen pecking on the door for me. XD It was too cute!!
Okay, so here it is:

I was doing vocab inside, and I knew that my hens were out. So, after awhile I heard this little knocking noise, but it was too quiet for someone to be knocking at the door, so I was just kinda like 'eh.' So then it kept repeating and I was like 'Man! What is that?!' So I open the door to find all four hen pecking on the door for me. XD It was too cute!!
XD funny chickens.

Yeah, so yesterday I was reading a book outside, and Nutmeg(the PPR) was doing some pretty stupid things
. First of all, she climbed into our woodpile and started to make a nest of sticks. then, she got STUCK! she was all
but still couldn't escape. so my sister got her out. then, she kept on trying to walk through a fence. when she couldn't
, she tried to hop into their chicken coop through all of the CLOSED doors. then, she couldn't figure out how to walk around some chicken wire into their run. THEN, she tried to make a nest in a random bucket sitting on a pile of bricks. (by now, the other chickens were trying the bucket and stick nest
) when that failed, I finally picked her up, brought her over to thecoop, and let her lay an egg. When she was done, she walked out of the coop and squacked louder than I had ever heard before! another one of my chickens clucked back at her, then Nutmeg ran over. SHE WAS STUCK IN THE MIDDLE OF MY YARD!!!!!XDXD
Not chicken related, but I have to share anyways. So, I was sitting in my room. I just turned off the light and was getting ready for bed. Not too long after, I heard something climb in through the window. I heard it walk across the floor (I have a ton of papers on the floor so it was loud), then it stopped. At first I was like, "I'm just hearing things." Then I was like, "okay, that was not 'just hearing things.'" I sat up for a minute, and tried to work up the courage to walk over to the door and turn on the light. Right as I was about to get up, my cat jumps on top of me! Almost screamed, then realized it was just her. Learned my lesson though; Never leave the window open when I'm about to go to bed.

LOL jk that's pretty funny. This is both kinda funny and sad and then just a part of nature.
So my blue Cochin has mites, and now is MOLTING! couldn't get worse
.(well, except if the world blew up
) So I went outside yesterday evening and found that their run was COVERED in Blue cochin feathers.
. well, I hope it gets better.

LOL jk that's pretty funny. This is both kinda funny and sad and then just a part of nature.
So my blue Cochin has mites, and now is MOLTING! couldn't get worse
.(well, except if the world blew up
) So I went outside yesterday evening and found that their run was COVERED in Blue cochin feathers.
. well, I hope it gets better.
Oh no!! That stinks!! That's kinda funny though. XD
The other day my four-week-olds were in their coop and one found a caterpillar. It was a big fuzzy caterpillar and it kept on squirming around so much that it scared the chicken and she let out an alarm call. All the other chickens ran under me for protection. They had all been scared by a simple, fuzzy caterpillar!

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