Got chicken stories?

I've got a story:
when I first got started with chickens, I ordered 10 buff orpingtons from a hatchery. And brooder raised them in my room inRubbermaid container. The first couple of weeks were a delight, I loved waking up and sitting at the end of my bed to play with them. Well one morning I woke up and screamed, the first sight that greeted me that morning was Wally the rooster on the end bed frame. He had flown up to roost there :lol: I put back in the brooder and went about my day. The next morning I woke to find him and Joanie on the bed frame. :lol: again I put them back. This continued for 5 days until on the fifth day I woke to all ten on my bed frame. :eek: I put them in the brooder, and fashioned a lid. They were so unhappy, and chipped loudly every night, even though they had a roost right in the brooder. Well when the reached about 6. Weeks old, I moved them into an extra large dog crate in my room. It was fall so I wasn't quite ready to move them out yet. The first night in the crate, I hear a commotion. Mable, one of the hens was at the door squawking, I tried to calm, but she wouldn't settle. I put her back and realized only 9 chicks were in the crate. I cut on the light and looked around, Blossom was on my night stand at the head of my bed. I assumed had forgotten to lock her up. So back in the brooder she went. in the morning I woke, to find blossom again on my nightstand, looking down at me with evil eyes. :eek: :lau I put her back, and again the next morning she was back on the nightstand, this continued until they were 7 Weeks old and put out side in the coop. I still have no idea how she got out every night. :gig
Here's how I got my pet chicken: my dads friend happened to walk by this chicken who was gonna be cooked so he offered to take her. He dropped her off at my house and I've had her ever since.
Here's how I got my pet chicken: my dads friend happened to walk by this chicken who was gonna be cooked so he offered to take her. He dropped her off at my house and I've had her ever since.
lol that's funny. I got some great pics of my cluckers today I'll submit them when my schedule is not so packed...

WTH why am I on BYC then?
(still got like 4-5 pages left on a written assignment and 45 minutes left, ugh!
BYC........sooooooooooo........ addicting.......)
A few summers ago we had to rebuild the fence around the coop. For various reasons we changed the gate location into the run and moved it down the fence line about 6 feet creating a new entrance into the run that led to the coop.

Apparently we forgot to ask the birds first.

We let them out of the new gate the next morning to free range into the yard and left the gate wide open so they could get back.

That evening around the dinner table we were wondering if the birds had figured out the new entrance to get to the coop for roosting.

Just as we were discussing it, we heard a rapping at the backyard sliding glass door.
We got up and looked. Sure enough it was a lone hen.

We went to the door to see what she wanted, figuring she had got lost and went to the light instead of the coop. When we opened the door, she promptly hopped down off the steps and started walking to the coop. We then noticed all of our hens strung out in firemen brigade fashion between the coop and the back door. As the hen walked toward them, we followed, and they all turned to go to the old entrance.

They waited for us, standing in polite line, to one by one PICK THEM UP and put them over the fence into the coop on the old side of the building, just like kids waiting for their turn at the slide.

Now, whenever a hen turns up at the back door we announce that the "Union Representative" has come to talk with management about something.

Lady of McCamley
A few summers ago we had to rebuild the fence around the coop. For various reasons we changed the gate location into the run and moved it down the fence line about 6 feet creating a new entrance into the run that led to the coop.

Apparently we forgot to ask the birds first.

We let them out of the new gate the next morning to free range into the yard and left the gate wide open so they could get back.

That evening around the dinner table we were wondering if the birds had figured out the new entrance to get to the coop for roosting.

Just as we were discussing it, we heard a rapping at the backyard sliding glass door.
We got up and looked. Sure enough it was a lone hen.

We went to the door to see what she wanted, figuring she had got lost and went to the light instead of the coop. When we opened the door, she promptly hopped down off the steps and started walking to the coop. We then noticed all of our hens strung out in firemen brigade fashion between the coop and the back door. As the hen walked toward them, we followed, and they all turned to go to the old entrance.

They waited for us, standing in polite line, to one by one PICK THEM UP and put them over the fence into the coop on the old side of the building, just like kids waiting for their turn at the slide.

Now, whenever a hen turns up at the back door we announce that the "Union Representative" has come to talk with management about something.

Lady of McCamley
LOLOL I don't know how they do things like that, but I love it when chickens are smart (and stupid) like that!!!

I've got one.

So I was just doing nothing, chilling around inside, when I decided to check on my chickens, who were out in the yard. I looked outside, and saw three of my hens. I was like, "Where's nutmeg?" so I walk around my garage where there's a huge raspberry garden surrounded by a thin wire fence.
I look and find nutmeg wobbling back and forth on the fence, trying to PERCH!!!! we got a video and a picture of it, so I might post those. but she just kept swinging back and forth, back and forth for like fifteen minutes!
she got stuck up there, swinging back and forth, so I got her down. STUPID CHICKEN!!!!
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