Got Flogged by A rooster tonight

I did the same thing with my RIR.
He didn't know what to think. Hasn't flogged me since and now we do the chicken dance, crowing and all!
I'm now his buddy, what a crazy roo!
This is HILARIOUS. Particularly since I have a foo-foo girly bird rooster. Can't wait to find out what happens next.
Glad I'm not the only one who is perfecting the 'wing dance'. I think I'll grab a shawl next time, them it will look more impressive.

Crowing and dueting the 'egg song' are other dubious talents we need to practice!
My roo was getting ancy towards me one day & it made me mad so I tried to kick him. I didn't make full contact but he knew I was after him. I mentioned my behaviour towards the roo on this site & everyone tore me up saying I shouldn't of tried to kick him I should of picked him up & walked around with him. I'm with you if that big over grown chicken tries to flog me again he's getting the boot. Sorry!!! I'm definitely gonna let him know that I'm the man. JMO.
I've got one OEG bantam, this little bugger, doesn't matter what the situation, he does that kung fu crap on us EVERY SINGLE DAY. I honestly have no idea how he can fly up and kick, like 10 or 15 times in a second or two. It's so pathetic, it's funny. As long as you are watching. I have tried everything to get him to stop. The only thing he seems to even notice is as soon as he flaps UP, I swoop down quick, and grab a leg, and cramp his style. Now he's hanging upside down, all confused, getting yelled at, and as soon as he gets put down, he goes at it again! He is lucky he's so small, and I keep his spurs filed down nice and blunt.
This has been going on for 9 years. It keeps us young, I guess.

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