Got illegal chickens?

I know many people who have chickens illegally. I use to. None of my niehgbors cared, they got fresh eggs. Most near by neighbors all knew. I now am legal, I think I am allowed like 300 or some insane number. Plus 13 roosters. I know I will never get anywhere near my
Limit. And where we live people stop for chickens crossing the street. My hubby jokes that he wants a bumper sticker that says " I break for roosters" lol Also the owner of the 7 eleven sometimes has his pet chicken in the store. I personally feel nobody should be allowed to tell you what you can have as a pet as long as it is taken care of.
When we lived in the city, I had "illegal" chickens... depending on how one personally interpreted the city code addressing them. "with the exception of household pets" was my loophole that I would have argued had our hens ever become an issue. Our closest neighbors knew we had chickens, and they liked chicken TV, so we didn't have any issues. I lived in the city with chickens for about 6-7 months.
Chicken TV...
love it. I like me some chicken/turkey tv too...I have been known to sit at the window and watch them for sometimes up to 15 minutes...hehe
The stuff they do can be hilarious...
In our town, chickens are 'livestock' and not permitted. However, when asked, our mayor said to ask neighbors. If no neighbors objected, then go ahead.

Six months later, we are enjoying the company of chickens and are averaging 15 eggs a week! Needless to say, we will re-elect this guy as mayor!
Mrs.Smith what a great place to live. Maybe they allow 300 so you can give eggs to everyone around. That's really something that they brake for chickens.
We do NOT have an illegal chicken. We have a rare Black Flightless Conyer.... Our immediate neighbors know and don't mind about Violet the Chicken. When we got her, we told them that if they had ANY problem with her (noise, smell, etc) to tell us and we would get rid of her.
That was two years ago!

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