Got my chicks today!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 4, 2010
Carson City, NV
I'm so excited, I got my chicks this morning! I ordered from MPC. I can't believe they hatched yesterday and already arrived this morning! There are 3 EEs (the 2 brown and 1 yellow), 2 australorps and 1 barred rock. They are all healthy and happy and figured out their food and water really quickly. I have been really surprised to see that they already have their own personalities. The BR and one of the dark EEs definitely have the strongest personalities and most energy, the yellow EE and the aussies are really sweet. No names yet, but hopefully soon. I've never posted a pic before, so I hope this works.

i ordered from MPC too and they're suppose to be here on/around April 12th! i ordered 6 EE, 1 BO, 1 Silver Cuckoo Maran. i'm only keeping 5, so i have to give away 3 EE. i'm SO excited!

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