Got my coffee, a donut, and a happy song in my head....

Yes, I am too old to wear heels, myself. I realized that the day that I had on a new khaki and white striped skirt and blouse and a pair of taupe shoes that matched perfectly (I am not a fashion person, I was just thrilled that this outfit looked good, even my husband commented on it and he never notices anything!) I was walking out the door to go to church and halfway down the side walk, I turned around and went back in. When I cam back out I had on my flats and DH said, "Why'd you change shoes?" I told him that I had a twinge in my feet that would be pain by lunch, and I am too old to suffer for the sake of fashion!" I have not bought any "cute" heels since and that was 10 years ago!
Today I found out who my new boss is going to be.

My new boss's name is the same name as my ex-boss's name which is the same as my name,
so more of same!!
Your new boss's name is Ibpboo too?

How very odd...


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