Got my FIRST pullet egg from a Light Brahma


14 Years
Mar 16, 2008
Southern Columbia County NY
I got my first egg today from one of my Light Brahma pullets. They are only 21 weeks old. I was reading that Brahmas dont start laying until they are around 30 weeks. YAY! Im so excited! Ill try to post pictures later.
Congrats!!.. That is early for a Light Brahma, mine always take their time and usually 6 months old before they lay me an egg!!....
Congrats on your first egg. My whole flock is light brahmas and the 20 week window is usually right on for my flock...way to go, and learn from experience cause what you read is never as important or correct as hands on learning! Gotta Love those pretty hens!

Congrats! I believe our brahmas are about the same age. Mine will be 21 weeks old on Wednesday. Got my first egg 2 weeks ago and it was from one of my light girls as well.
Curious to see when the darks and buffs will start laying.
Yay!!!! My Light Brahma started laying TODAY and she is 21-22 weeks! Congrats! A side note for those of you that have been raising light brahmas for awhile, in your experience can their eggs be brownish-pink? I swear they're not the same color as my New Hamps' eggs.
I haven't been raising them for awhile, but I remembered reading somewhere that the first brahma eggs could be pinkish. Several of mine have had a pink tint to them.

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