Got our chicks today. WOOT! (pics included) added pics of our 4 new ones in post

Well Ive officially been a victim of chicken math lol. We went to the feed store today to pick up some feed for the cows and I couldnt resist. They had gotten another shipment of chicks in and I managed to puppy dog eye DH into lettin me get some more lol.
Bringing us up to a grand total of 17. (we orginally agreed on only havin 12) I realized while we were there that the 2 chicks with the white wings that I brought home thinkin they were easter eggers were actually male golden comets (I thought something was funny about them lol) So he let me get 3 of the actual easter eggers and then one more Barred Rock chick since we were gonna get some last time but they were out. Not sure what we are goin to do with the comet roos. Probably either give them to a friend or put them in the freezer. Depends on how many other roos I end up with. I tried feather sexing the new EEs and I think I got 2 hens and 1 roo. Hopefully today I can get a new brooder set up for them. Im wantin to use an old playpen of ours. I just hope its big enough for all the chicks until we can put something else together. I have to get some pine shavings too next time Im in town because all the chicks have decided that paper towel tastes great and they keep rippin it up and eatin it

This is the one I think is the EE roo

My BR. Shes totally black except for her yellow butt and some white on her chin/chest. Her feet are black except for one toe on each foot lol
I thought those "EEs" looked a little different. lol. Glad you figured out what they really are. You have a cute little flock there. I just got the last of my flock yesterday which were 4 EE pullets (hopefully all pullets) which puts us up to 17 from our planned 14. Two of the Delawares ended up being cockerels and then I got 2 barnyard bantams instead of 1. Chicken math can't get me though cuz we are out of room. lol
Lol we are too. Im about to have to build another brooder for all these since the one we are usin is gettin a little cramped. DH did jokingly say something about gettin a few more to make it an even 20 lol. The yellow EE in the pics has feathered legs so if he does end up lettin me bring home a few more i want some like her. I love the feathered leg look.
Lol we are too. Im about to have to build another brooder for all these since the one we are usin is gettin a little cramped. DH did jokingly say something about gettin a few more to make it an even 20 lol. The yellow EE in the pics has feathered legs so if he does end up lettin me bring home a few more i want some like her. I love the feathered leg look.
I flew (moved) here from WA in September and packed my dogs in XL plastic crates. I use the bottoms for my brooders. Right now the EEs are in with my silkie and barnyard banties. I imagine since they're standard size I will be separating them in a few weeks so they don't mess with the bantams. At least that's what I had to do when my Delawares got bigger. They'd flap around and trample the bantams. I didn't know EEs could have feathered feet, but I'm sure it can happen since they're mixed breed chickens. I love the feather legged chickens too, but the beards are my top priority.
I didnt know they could either. Ive never really seen grown chickens up close so im not sure what the beards look like. Does it look like a human beard or is it somethin just called that?
This is the best beard picture I have. The feathers stick out under their beaks and they have extra feathers on their cheeks too. If you google Ameraucana pictures you will see what they look like feathered out. I'm excited to see how well mine keep their beards once they get their big girl feathers.

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