Got our first chicks and the chicken math already started


6 Years
Feb 27, 2018
Outside St. Louis, MO
Just brought home our first 6 chicks yesterday (3 Ameraucanas and 3 Rhode Island Reds)

When we decided to get chicken, we originally said no more than 4. Then we got to the store and thought, "oh, our coop (when finished. Its an old single stall horse barn) will be huge so maybe 6 chickens will be good for right now."

Then when talking with my sister she told me a friend is moving in a few months and can't keep their chickens at the new place so they're going to be looking for someone to take them. Would we maybe want them if they haven't found someone already?

Now my husband is already talking about where in the yard he thinks would be best to build stuff for ducks next year and asking me how many more chickens do I think would fit in the coop when it's finished.
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Oh I know will be able to fit plenty of chickens in the coop when it's finished! I didn't want to get overwhelmed right away, though. I'm sure if we finish the coop before they stop selling chicks, we will go pick up a few more.

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