Got Three New Chicks, Breed Help Please?


11 Years
Jan 28, 2008
Central Alabama (Chelsea)
Went into the local feed store and they had a bin full of nondescript straight run chicks (and poults). Couldn't help myself, came home with three new babies. They're about a week old. Any help with identifying these breeds?

#1 "ELLE"



Cute little bantam chick. Slate legs, if you can't tell. Most prone to being held, calm, smallest.



The standard of the bunch. Feathered legs, legs themselves are grey, fading to pinkish at the toes. I thiiink this might be a cochin. Its color at least seems to be blue, splash, mottled or black.

#3 "RACER"


Bantam, and it's hard to tell from the pics, but its got the whole 'chipmunk stripe' going on. Pink legs.

Any guesses? Thanks so much!
First looks like a gold sebright. Does it have a single or "rose" comb? THe lacing should develop as it gets older.

Second is a blue cochin.

Third seems like an OEGB. Looks like it will be Brown Breasted Red.
Thanks so much for the help!

Chick #1 appears to have a single comb, I think. I have to admit, I don't know how to tell; what's the difference?

I can't express how happy I am that the consensus tends to be that #2 is a blue cochin! That's EXACTLY what I was hoping for, and if I'd not come across local chicks, I was going to order blue cochins! Awesome.

And #3 seems rather OEGB-ish. S/he is on the move NONSTOP, completely bustling with energy, and vocal, too!

Let's just hope for girls from now xD!
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