GottaHatchAPlan Reporting to Chicken Duty!

Hello and :welcome Great intro.

Sorry to hear of the problems with your girl. Once she is cured, please do consider getting another couple as they're flock animals and do need some company. You're doing the right thing by keeping her on her own while she recovers :thumbsup
Thank you!
Yeah, we're getting another as chicken as soon as Peggy recovers (from a trustworthy farm this time. We've already scouted it out and discussed which one we want) and see how that goes. Ideally, we want to have at least 3 in total but after these initial problems, we want to proceed with caution.
Welcome to BYC Broody with chicks.jpeg

Welcome to backyard chickens!

Sorry about the illness. Your flock will need to be a closed flock if you get more chickens
The chickens do not leave the flock. It is also important to make sure the illness does not escape so you have to make sure clothes and shoes are clean before visiting other flocks.
Oh okay! Yeah, I don't think that will be a problem. We only wanted the chickens for the eggs, not for breeding purposes or somesuch, so unless they escape and infiltrate someone else's yard I don't think we'll have too much trouble keeping the illness contained. But thanks for the clothing and shoe tip!
Oh okay! Yeah, I don't think that will be a problem. We only wanted the chickens for the eggs, not for breeding purposes or somesuch, so unless they escape and infiltrate someone else's yard I don't think we'll have too much trouble keeping the illness contained. But thanks for the clothing and shoe tip!

Are you getting eggs from her yet? Egg laying equals health in hens
Sunday drive.gif

GottaHatchAPlan, Welcome to BYC! :frow
There are lots of knowledgable keepers here to help you with your new chook.
Tip: Antibiotics have a very bitter and sour taste, so, when I have to add them to the chicken's water, I add half a can of frozen apple juice concentrate to one gallon water. You can even find some with berries in the juice, which the chickens also like! :jumpy


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Are you getting eggs from her yet? Egg laying equals health in hens
No eggs yet. We've only had her for a little over a week and she's still young (6 months) so that plus the illness and we're not really expecting her to lay for at least a few weeks. We're happy to wait until she's healthy and settled, though.

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